Chapter 7.

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You didn't expect a chapter this early since the last huh ;;)))))))))))) pulled a sneaky on yuh


"Ranboo?" Joe said hesitantly hoping not to mess up his name.

Ranboo nodded.

"Well it is nice to meet you Ranboo."




Ranboo was exiting the music store with a soft smile on his face. He was holding a sticky note of Joe's phone number on it just in case he wanted more lessons when he actually gets an electric guitar. Ranboo didn't really have a phone, but he'll find out soon enough to get one.

He folded the neon like paper and stuffed it into his pants pocket. He was supposed to go meet Tommy somewhere at--at..


Ranboo squeezed his eyes trying to remember. He should have listened to the voices that were telling him not to leave Tommy's side. He can't make a scene in the mall. He just refuses.

He holds down the hyperventilating and he stops every instinct to shake. He can only hold it down so much. He wrapped his arms around his torso like he was hugging himself. His hands were violently shaking; he clips Techno's cape around him more so the fluff of the top of it was hiding the bottom half of his face. He breathed in shakily and the musky smell calmed him down enough not to cry in the middle of the mall.

He felt people's beady eyes staring at him. He hated being stared at. He held onto his own torso tighter ignoring the feeling of nails seemingly to slightly stab himself somehow. He timidly walked around looking for the sight of any of them.

His brain was blanking out. His brain suddenly felt like it was filled with cotton and smoked out. He was walking without a direction. This place was like a maze to him. He heard whispers around him. His brain wasn't processing any of it. A few steps more and he bumped into a person.

He blinked and his vision unblurred and saw a few guys shouting something at him with anger.

"What the fuck!? Fucking hybrid bitch ran into me. What are you huh? A fucking stick bug hybrid? You skinny mother fucker!" This guy and his two other friends were crowding around him.

Why were they so mad he accidentally ran into him? Was being a hybrid really making them hate him so much? He just looked different..he didn't harm them in why..

Another one of them spoke up, "This fucking bitch got nothing to say? Need to be taught a lesson fucking stick? You got a brain of a stick too fucking dumbass."

Ranboo's hands were violently shaking even more. He knew where this was going; they were going to beat him up a little to 'teach him a lesson.' He has been through this before. He shakily took off Techno's favorite royal cape and sloppily folded it up and set it on the ground. He didn't do this because he was going to try and fight back, but he didn't want his cape to get blood on it.

However, the gang took this as a challenge, "This stick can fight? This bitch gonna try n' fight? Huh? So fucking useless. Boy grab him." He pointed at Ranboo with a face of hatred. There were no people since he managed to wander to almost near the back of the mall where there were stores closed.

The two dragged him and slammed him into the ground with each of them holding his arms. The one that he bumped into got onto one of his knees and grabbed the collar of his shirt. He felt knuckles collide his face. A shot of pain went though his body as he groaned. His fist connected to his face again. He felt his arms throb from how hard the two others are holding on his shoulders and arms. The man got up again picking up his leg and stomping it into his chest over and over again. His neck started to flare up and he coughed harshly from the impact of the stomps into his chest.

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