Chapter 7

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I'm in the dorms lobby waiting for Corey. Mack and Lola has planned a dinner party between the two families. This includes bridesmaids and groomsmen and Corey insisted he picks me up so we can make this more believable. It doesn't help that I know my parents are going to be there and my sisters too. Hell, the whole of my father's side is going to be there.

I pull out my phone and see Lola texted asking where we are as they're waiting on us. So, we're the last ones to get there.

Corey pulls up and I climb in carefully as I'm wearing a denim skirt. I notice his eyes checking me over before back to the road.

"Everyone is there already," I mumble. He nods and sends to drive there quicker.

We make it in five minutes. As we get out the door opens, and I'm attacked in a hug by my two younger sisters. Corey laughs and leaves me with them.

"Clara, what took you so long?" Brianna asks. She's 15 and had the same hair colour as me and we are about the same height to.

My other younger sister squeals, which for an 11-year-old is normal when they get excited. She looks more like my mom, so they share the same green eyes and are blonde like Brianna.

"Jeez Diana, you trying to make me deaf?" I laugh.

She looks at me sheepishly, "no but isn't that Corey's car?"

Brianna's eyes widen in realisation, "no way, she's right."

I just walk off not wanting to keep everyone waiting or have that conversation. Me and Corey decided to try to keep it hidden for this event, so the attention is on the happy couple. I go and say hi to my family as I pass as I make my way to my parents.

Dad hugs me as soon as I'm close enough, "glad you made it kiddo. Corey just got here a few minutes ago."

Brianna and Diana just start giggling. I shoot them daggers and they stop immediately.

We all get called outside the back where there's a load of tables laid out. Lola gets everyone's attention, "Alright people find your name tag and seat and we'll start."

I split from my parents and find I'm on a table with Freya, Willow, Freya's brother Nate, best man Leo and of course Corey. Obviously, they put me and Corey next to each other.

We sit down and Freya and Willow introduce themselves to both of us. I remember that they have to pretend they haven't met me before and I with them.

The whole room bursts into conversations and noise. I look around the room as everyone starts to interact with each other. My parents are with my aunt and Uncle catching up. And Diana and Brianna are on separate tables with kids their age.

On my left is Nate who is very... flirty and handsy. Or well attempts to. He keeps looking at me or trying to talk to me. While Corey is on my right.

I discreetly nudge Corey who's talking to Leo, and he notices Nate's advances. He discreetly puts his arm around my chair not drawing too much attention to it.

Everyone is seated and the happy couple gathers our attention again. Mack stands up, "thanks for coming tonight. We'll eat and then we got different things planned after."

They open the buffet and let us grab food. Thankfully when I've brought my food back Nate is still waiting in the queue and Corey is already eating. Or to put it accurately devouring the food on his plate.

Willow sits in Nate's seat, "are you ok?"

I give her a small smile, "yeah Nate just won't give up, trying to grab my leg from under the table."

"He's what?" Corey asks turning into our conversation. His face is livid. I place my hand in his and give it a squeeze. He relaxes a little as Nate comes over.

"Willow, that's my seat," he says with a hint of annoyance.

"Sorry Nate, just asking Clara if she was ok, she looked uncomfortable earlier," Willow replies with an innocent smile. I just give her a thankful smile and turn to Corey whose glaring at Nate. I use my thumb to stroke the hand that I am holding and his attentions on me. I feel Nate's stare on me, and I try to distract myself by eating but it don't work. Freya and Leo come over and talk to Willow.

After a while Freya notices Corey's glare at her brother and grabs the tables attention, "why are you glaring at my little brother, Corey?"

Corey looks at Freya with a bored look. I sigh and just focus on the table. I notice Nate get closer, so I move my chair.

Willow informs Leo on what's happening discreetly, so he doesn't call the happy couple over.

"Freya, don't worry," Nate says, "I don't know what his problem is."

"Look, don't stir things with people," Leo says trying to settle it quietly, "these pair would have you on your ass quicker than you can say no."

I give Leo a grateful smile but unfortunately Nate laughs.

He finally sobers and you can see he's about to talk when I've finally had enough, "Ok just drop it. Freya, Corey was glaring at your brother because he kept making advances at me. Nate, I'm not interested so please stop."

Freya reaches across the table and hits her brother around the head, "I thought I told you to stop flirting with taken girls."

"She's taken? By who?" Nate exclaims getting the attention of the table next ours which happens to be my parents.

Freya rolls her eyes, "by Corey. Jesus, if the fact they came together didn't give it away, they can't seem to take their hands of each other."

My face burns up a little as I hear dad get up and come over here. Freya looks confused then looks at our faces then looks slightly apologetic. Dad leans between me and Corey, so we quickly release hands, but I know he caught it.

"Is everything ok over here?" Dad asks looking directly at me then Corey.

"Yeah mate," Nate says, "just a misunderstanding. Didn't realise that she's taken."

Dad raises an eyebrow at me, "taken huh?"

I let out a nervous chuckle. Dad just gives me the look to spill. Thankfully Lola calls out that it's time for the next part. Dad leaves and goes back to his seat. Let's hope we can make it through the whole evening without being asked who my boyfriend is by dad.

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