Chapter 17

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I wake up to my phone blowing up. I reach over and see what's going on. It's mainly my parents and Gran. I guess Brianna told them huh. It's mainly messages of uproar. My door opens and Corey walks in looking shattered. I make room for him on my bed, and he climbs in and just holds me tightly, burring his face into my chest.

"What's the matter Babes? Please tell me you didn't drive here," I say running my hands through his hair.

"My phone won't stop, and I couldn't get back to sleep so I got an uber here," he mumbles. I let out a small sigh and look at the time. It was barely six am. I continue to mess with his hair until his breathing evens out. I reply to Gran and my parents explaining how I'll ring them when I get up and that it's too early for this. I put my phone back then close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

"Jesus Christ," someone shouts as I shoot awake but can't exactly sit up as there's a weight on my chest restricting me. I turn to see Harmony covering her eyes in the open doorway. "I've really got to learn to knock now you two together."

Corey lets out an inaudible sound and snuggles closer on my chest. "Harmony we're just sleeping. It's totally PG," I explain to her. She removes her hand and lets out a sigh. She goes and sits down on my desk chair and turns it so it faces us.

"So, are we getting ready to leave now or later when you'll be kicked out for not leaving?" Harmony asks looking at the wall behind me.

"We can do it now if you can get Corey up otherwise, I'm stuck," I tell her. She sighs then gets up grabs Corey's arm and uses her might to pull him off the bed. He falls with a thud followed by a groan. I let out a small laugh as Harmony opens the door to let Charles in.

"Oohh what happened in here," he says as soon as he sees Corey on the floor. His eyes hold that mischievous glimmer. Why is it whenever they see Corey in here, they assume we've slept together?

"One minute I was asleep, the next your girlfriend pulls me of the bed," Corey mumbles getting up with his face contorted into an adorable pout. To add more emphasis, he even sends a quick glare to Harmony and stomps his left foot.

I get up and place a hand on Corey's shoulder before giving him a peck on lips removing his pout. I turn to our friends with an apologetic smile, "we didn't sleep much as our phones kept ringing or messages from my family."

Their faces turn to ones of pity before sharing a look between each other. Almost as if it's one of understanding. I clap my hands together to break the silence, "Harmony and I will start in here then move onto Harmony's. You two can start with Charles's and meet us in Harmony's."

They nod in agreement and the boys leave us to pack up my room. We put on some music just to keep the vibe going. How come it always takes longer to pack then it does to undo everything? This would be done so much quicker if we didn't have so much stuff to pack. It takes about half hour to do the clothes.

We move on to the desk when Harmony starts humming to the music. I have a little smirk on my face as she starts dancing between the desk and door where the boxes and tubs are. She catches me spot her and stops immediately. I shake my head and decide to encourage her by starting to dance and hum to the music.

We both continue packing for another hour. We finish and head to her room while checking on the boys who are just sitting on boxes talking. We don't disturb them and start Harmony's room.

We continue dancing, laughing and singing. After a while, I feel someone grab my hand as I'm spun into them. I look up and Corey is there with a smile on his face. I start dancing with him and look over at Harmony whose dancing with Charles who is whispering in her ear.

We eventually finish Harmony's room after dancing for a while. We load up the cars that are here but it's only me and Charles whose cars are loaded as Corey's car is at his apartment and Harmony doesn't have one.

"We'll see you when you come down to us," Harmony says giving us both a hug. Charles does the same and then they head off. Corey has his arms wrapped around me. He places a kiss on top of my head in a comforting gesture.

"We better get to mine so we can head to mom's," he mutters. I nod and head to the driver's seat as Corey hops into the passenger. We drive to his place and his car is already loaded. He gets out and he follows me in his car to his mom's.

We reach his moms, who is waiting outside in the porch. She has her hair tied upon her head and arms open. I get out of my car, and she comes over and gives me a hug. She starts to stroke my hair, "It'll be ok Clara. How about we go inside I'll make some tea and we can talk?"

I nod my head as she releases me. She lets me go as Corey comes behind me and wraps an arm around my waist. He leads me inside and to the living room. Their living room is pretty standard with two sofas', a round coffee table and a medium sized tv. We sit on one of the sofas with me leaning into his side.

Two minutes later his mom comes in with a smile on her face and three cups of tea in her hand. She hands me and Corey ours before sitting on the other sofa. I look at Sophie, who is looking at us with a sad smile, "I got told you were meant to go home. What changed?"

"They were planning on bombarding me. They think I asked Mack and Lola to keep the bridesmaid thing a secret but as you saw, it was their decision. It was part of the theme and no matter how much Mack, Lola and I tell them otherwise, they don't believe us," I sigh drinking my tea.

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Corey was saying how your uni work was stressing you out already and their constant bugging doesn't help either," Sophie says shaking her head.

"That's why I asked mom. I didn't want her going back to that. I definitely don't want her being ganged up on. Especially if she has no one to back her up," Corey says pulling me even closer into him.

Sophie smiles at her son. I think she's happy for him. She turns to face me, "I don't know what you've done, but I think I prefer this Corey. He's caring, protective. I've never seen him act like this with a girl."

I blush a little at her comment, "I haven't done anything Sophie." She just shakes her head with a small smile. We start catching up on everything while finishing our drinks.

After a good few hours Sophie goes up to bed. Corey and I stay on the sofa and put a movie on. I don't remember the movie as I fell asleep within the opening scene. 

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