Chapter 21

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We get to Mack and Lola's early and thankfully nobody else is here. Lola greets me with a warm hug. Their honeymoon was at the Caribbean so obviously they are tanned. Well Mack is more burnt then tanned.

"We are so sorry, Clara. If we knew that this would be the backlash, we would never have asked you to do it," she says holding me tightly. I hear Mack agree with her.

I hold her tightly, "I knew that it was going to be like this. It is completely fine. It's not your faults that some members of our family are self-centred enough to think it's about them."

I let her go and hug Mack who is also holding me tightly. "Still, my sister is being a real bitch to you at the moment and that's not cool."

I let him go and shake my head at him. "Oh please, she was always a bitch to Clara," Corey says with a small smirk on his face.

I whack his arm while Mack and Lola laugh at him. Thankfully they thought he was joking about that. He pulls me tightly to his side with an arm wrapped around me. We move to the sofa's which will likely be taken up when the other people get here.

"Just so you know my family know what's going on and are completely behind you guys," Lola tells us. "I've never seen my mother so upset with people until we filled her in yesterday. That was before last night's fiasco of a dinner that I heard happened."

I let out a scoff, "it was. It ended with me in our room while Corey laid into them. Nan came and spoke to me and my sisters but everyone else just left. Sophie then apologised on their behalf. I honestly just don't know how to deal with them. It's ridiculous."

Mack scoffs, "mom rang me earlier trying to sound like it was your fault, that you had a hissy fit."

"Why? I'm not Molly," I say. We all laugh a little as the door goes. Mack goes to get it and comes back with Molly and Ryan. I look at Corey with straight face while he looks back with a small smirk. I know what he's thinking. Speak of the devil and she will appear.

"I see you're already here. Please don't cause any more trouble," she says when noticing me.

I roll my eyes and just lean into Corey. I haven't got the energy to argue with her. Ryan tries to give me an apologetic smile, but it does nothing to ease me. This whole night is going to be a disaster.

"You know the wedding is over, you don't have to act all coupley now," Molly adds. I don't move or even look at her. I just close my eyes while I feel Corey tense underneath.

"What do you mean?" Mack asks her cautiously.

Molly scoffs, "You buy that. Really? I mean, Clara only needed Corey as a date to be the centre of attention even more."

I lift my head off Corey's shoulder then stand up, "Molly I would be very careful what you say next. Just remember you don't know everything about me. Hell, you don't even know me properly."

Molly walks over and stands right in front of me. "I know a lot more then you think. I know you were stroppy throughout my whole wedding. Just because you weren't in some photos. I know you Clara, you don't get your own way and you make everyone around you miserable."

I try to stay calm, and it helps, when I feel Corey put his hands on my arms bringing me closer so I'm against his front. I don't say a word to her as the front door opens and people walk in. Corey gently leads me into the kitchen out of the way.

I get turned to face him and he tilts my face upwards, so we have direct eye contact. "Ignore her shortcake. Please. I know how much it hurts, but you shouldn't listen to a word she says. We know the truth and Mack; Lola and Lola's parents know the truth." So that's who came in.

The door opens and Lola comes in and wraps her arms around me. "I'm sorry Clara. If we could have, we wouldn't have invited her." I hug her back and nod at her.

"I'm fine honestly. I just wish I didn't have to be the one to hold back when she clearly doesn't," I say with a sigh. I lean against the counter as the pair in front of me share looks of worry. The door opens and Martha walks in. She looks at us all then gives us a sad smile.

She gives me hug before leading us out. Our seats have been taken by Lola's dad and mom. Willow is standing next to Mack, obviously getting the gossip. Ryan and Molly are talking in hushed tones to the side.

"Alright, everyone should be here in a minute. I can't wait to see these photos," Martha says with an encouraging smile.

After a few minutes everyone gets here, and Mack and Lola set up the tv to play the photos. It's extremely quite while the photo appear. There's a few awes and laughs at some but other than that it's quiet. especially when the ceremony photos, of people's reaction to the bridesmaids. The tension was thick, and nobody moved an inch. Mack let out a small cough as the next one came on of Lola and her dad.

When the final photo is shown, nobody moves. I try to snuggle into Corey who has his arm wrapped around my waist. I pretend to be sleepy and almost asleep on his shoulder.

"They are lovely, you two. It was a great day," Martha says to break the obvious animosity of my side of the family.

"I have a question," Aunt Mila says. "What made you decide on getting the bridal and grooms party to do pranks?"

Lola and Mack look at each other with love. Lola turns to Aunt Mila first, "We wanted the wedding to be memorable and different. We both felt the best way to embody ourselves into making it this was pranks."

"We couldn't do it as it would be too obvious. So, we decided to make my groomsmen and the bridesmaids do it instead. It was only a bit of fun. Well, meant to be," Mack says mumbling the last bit.

Aunt Mila nods but you can tell that she doesn't believe them. She then faces me and Corey, "we're you two meant to be a prank too."

"No. We had the same number of pranks as the others. We didn't have any special treatment, Mila." Corey answers with a slight edge in his tone.

Willow turns to me with a reassuring smile, "everyone else thinks you're together for real. I mean how could they not? You are definitely goals. He's caring and protective, while you're cuddly and encouraging. I mean, how many times did Corey text you on the way to the hotel? And how many times did you blush at something he says?" She turns to Aunt Mila, "Either you actually don't want Clara happy or you're blind and oblivious."

Everyone looks at her in pure shock. She just shrugs before turning to me, "I know what it's like to not being able speak out against family. I've always got your back. I think they need to do some serious grovelling when they pull their heads out of their asses."

"Willow," Martha says loudly. "There's children around."

"You're not going to tell her off for disrespecting us," Aunt Mila asks Martha with a sharp tone.

Martha shrugs, "My daughter is allowed to have an opinion whether you like it or not. She wasn't horrible or spiteful. She's become very fond of Clara so she will help her."

Lola stands up with a massive huff, "look I don't want this fighting and arguing anymore. Can you just leave Clara alone? She hasn't done anything wrong. And stop trying to intervene in their relationship. Can we just be one happy family for once?"

Mack holds her hand supporting her. I share a quick look at Corey and know that we've both had enough. We both stand up drawing the attention back on us. "Look, I'm exhausted so we're going to go. Thanks for having us guys."

We head out much to Lola and Mack trying to get us to stay. When we get into the car, we both just sit in silence. We say nothing as Corey drives us back to his moms. Sophie is waiting for us when we get back. She hugs us both then I go upstairs to our room while Corey fills her in. I go straight to bed and try to sleep away this nightmare. 

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