Chapter 22

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I wake up with Corey sleeping soundly next to me. It's still dark outside. I lay on my back looking at the ceiling.

Why can't my life be a little less complicated? Why can't my only hassle be my university course? Or finding accommodation for September? I can't be normal. I have to have some sort of drama going on. Whether it's at home or work or even just random people. It's as if life hates me. Well not completely. I still have Corey, Sophie, Harmony, Charles, Brianna, Diana, Lola and Mack.

That should be enough. It is enough for some people, but not me. I want my parents to think for themselves and actually stick up for me, instead of trying to keep the peace by keeping quiet and letting me get the stick for it. I want my cousins to appreciate me and actually get to know me. I want my Aunt Mila to actually be nice instead of looking down on me. I want my Uncle Ryan to grow a backbone and actually speak up. Same for Ryan.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Corey rolling over to face me. Still sleeping peacefully. Except now his arm is around me holding me in place. I just study him a little. In a non-creepy way. His features are softer than earlier, and it appears as if all the stress had been lifted. He looks like he's got everything figured out. Like sleep isn't such a foreign concept but a normality.

I stay lying there until the sun comes up. I manage to grab my phone and wait till six before getting up. Sneaking around a house you're unfamiliar with is hard. I mean I have to try so hard not to hit a squeaky floorboard or bump into a wall. I swear I look like a blind person going through their new house. I manage to get to the stairs and the sun light comes through the windows downstairs.

I make my way down and sit down on the sofa. I really wish I had a book and a blanket. There's nothing better than that. But I will not go back up there and risk waking them up. I look at my phone and see a message from Harmony.

Hey, I need to see you asap

Sure, what's up

I'll tell you when I see you can I come visit you

Yeah, just let me get the address of Corey

I look upstairs and decide to wait for him to come down or Sophie. I pull up Disney + on my phone and find something to watch while I wait. I pick a random dcom as I've pretty much watched everything, I like too many times.

Halfway through the film Sophie comes down and looks shocked to see me up and alert. She sits next to me, so I pause my film. Her face is plastered with worry.

"What are you doing up?" she asks concern in her voice.

I let a breath leave my lips as I sag my shoulders. "I couldn't sleep. I woke up early and just lay there till about six before coming down."

Sophie nods her head, "I guess you can't rest with everything that's going on. Just remember to talk to someone about it so you can relax. Okay? Now how about I do us both some coffee," she says with a smile. I reach over and hug her. She laughs but hugs me back.

"That sounds great. Also, what's the address as I've got a friend who wants to come round to see me?" I ask her as she heads into the kitchen. She lets me know and I send it to Harmony. She comes back in a minute later with some coffee. Somehow, she guessed how I like it.

"Now, does Corey know how bad this is effecting you?" Sophie asks me with a straight face.

I take a quick sip of my drink and feel the caffeine hit me straight away. "Mostly. He knows that it's affecting me, but I don't think he understands how much. I don't know. He's quite astute so he might but I haven't directly told him. He just knows."

She smiles at me, "I swear if it was anyone else, he wouldn't. He may not admit it, but he loves you, you know. My boy can hide most things, except how he feels for you. It's as clear as day."

"I wish my family could. They went after our relationship last night. Thinking I was using him to be in more photos. Anyone who knows me knows I hate photos of myself. I just hated the principles that Molly had. But no, they just think I do everything to spite them," I say with a sigh.

Sophie shakes her head, "I honestly have no clue what goes on through their heads. You two are so good together and complement each other."

I sigh and down the rest of my coffee. Sophie pats my knee before getting up and heading into the kitchen with the now empty cups. I grab my phone to see Harmony is on her way. "Thanks for the coffee, Sophie but my friend and I are going out for breakfast."

She turns to me with a smile, "I know. I saw your phone light up when Harmony texted you. Enjoy it and make sure you tell Corey. You know how he gets."

I nod and head upstairs. Corey is now starfished over the bed. I shake my head with a smirk. I head to the draws we put my stuff and grab some clothes. I quickly get changed as quietly as I can then proceed to brush my hair. I head to the bathroom to quickly brush my teeth. I head back to the room and go over to Corey.

I kiss his forehead and his eyes flutter open. I give him a small smile, "I'm heading out with Harmony for breakfast. I'll be back soon." I get an uncoherent noise from him which makes me giggle at him. I get up just as a car horn is heard. I rush to meet her making sure I've got some money on me before jumping in her car. 

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