Chapter 19

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If a room quiets as you enter, is that a bad sign? Believe me when I say yes. Now when mom says the family she means my siblings, her, dad, my Aunt Mika and Uncle Nathan and finally my Nan. I tighten my hand around Corey's.

"There you two are. We asked Sophie where you were and she said you were with friends," Mom says. She has a smile on her face, but I don't trust it.

"Yeah, we went to my friend's house to catch up with them," Corey answers. Corey uses his thumb to rub my hand. I relax a little. Sophie comes in from behind us and gives us an apologetic smile.

"So, the whole spending time with Sophie was a lie," Aunt Mila accuses.

I roll my eyes, "No we spent most of yesterday with her. We were going to spend time with her today, but Corey's friend invited us round."

"Alright how about we head to the table and eat," Sophie says stopping Aunt Mila from replying to me. So, Corey pulls me into the dining room out of the way. I sit down and Corey sits next to me. He puts his arm around the back of my chair. I notice Sophie's smile when she spots it, even nan looks at us fondly.

"Alright, the only reason we're here is to discuss why you hid the bridesmaid thing," Aunt Mila says once everyone got their food. I lean onto Corey with a sigh. I look around the table to see expectant faces.

"How many times does she have to tell you? It was part of the pranks. It was Mack and Lola's idea not hers," Corey snaps. Aunt Mila narrows her eyes at Corey. I look at my lap avoiding everyone's stares.

"Let's calm down. Clara is not like that. Why would she do it? What does she have to gain from it?" Sophie says trying to diffuse the situation.

Aunt Mila scoffs. I know what she's thinking before she even says it. However, mom beats her to it, "We understand that. However, Molly has given a lot of points as to why Clara may have suggested it. Look we think that based on their rocky past Molly believes she did it on purpose. We just wanted to get to the bottom of it."

I can feel Corey tense and move his hand to around my waist. I really just want to get out of here. Sophie starts talking to them, distracting the adults. Diana, who's next me, faces me with a grimace.

"I think you owe Sophie a lot," she whispers to me. I nod at her. "Me and Brianna tried to stop mom, but you know what she's like."

Brianna turns to us, she's next to Corey, "Diana don't. I think they understand completely that mom and dad are following Aunt Mila and Uncle Nathan."

"Alright the pair of you stop. We get it really. It's one of the reasons we went to his friends earlier," I explain to them. They both nod at me.

"So that's why you agreed to go to his friends," Aunt Mila says to me in a snarky tone. She furthers her distain by narrowing her eyes into shards and crossing her arms across her chest.

I sit up straight and mirror her, "well we were under the impression it was going to be mom, dad, Diana and Brianna. With how stressed out I've been with this whole situation, Corey decided it was best for me to have a break before seeing just them. I don't think you understand how it feels to have someone warn you that the family is going to bombard you. Then when you decide not to show up send texts throughout the night to both of us, keeping us awake."

She doesn't move. I let out a frustrated sigh and stand up. I leave the room and go upstairs to Corey's room. I shut the door then sit on the bed with my head in my hands. I'm so fed up with this. I'm fed up with them. Why can't they just leave me alone and not think I do something wrong.

The door opens and I look up and see my nan. She gives me a small smile, "I know you're not doing well. Corey laid into us after you went up and then argued with me to come up. He really does care for you. I personally thinks he loves you, but I know this relationship is new. Anyway, you should have just told us that you were getting too stressed out."

She sits down next to me. I shake my head, "it wouldn't matter. No matter how much I shout I'm never heard."

Nan shakes her head at this, "well I can see that now. I mean how many times should someone say it wasn't their idea before we listen." I lay back on the bed and nan pats my leg before standing up. "Corey has moved all your stuff out of the car and put some of it in your dad's car and he's put the rest here. I think you'll be staying here for a while."

"That's right. Mom said after this, you can stay here as long as you want," Corey's voice comes from the doorway. I look up as nan exits the room. Corey shuts the door behind her before coming over to me.

"Nan said you lost it," I say to him. I prop my head up on my arm to look at him.

He rubs the back of his neck nervously. "Well only a little. They're still your family. I didn't want to offend them, just make them feel shit about the way they treated you."

I sit up and give him a peck on his lips, "well thank you. Really, I don't know how I would cope with all this without you."

He wraps his around me and pulls me to him. I hug him back and just melt into him. He kisses the top of my head, "you don't need to thank me. Besides, you could probably handle them without me if you really wanted to."

I let out a small hum. We stay in each other's arms in a comfortable silence. I like how we can just sit here without talking just holding one another. The door opens and my sisters walk in.

"Well, I think I know the next wedding we'll be going to," Brianna says with a laugh. I send her a sharp look as Diana starts laughing. I notice the suitcases behind them. Corey is almost laughing though.

"Anyway, we brought up your stuff per Sophie's request. She said something of I'm not walking in there again," Diana says with a smirk on her face. Corey starts laughing while I shake my head, standing up.

"Thanks, you two. I'm sure Clara is appreciative but she's had a really bad day so I think it will be best to give her some space. She'll spend a whole day with you during next week okay," Corey says.

Brianna crosses her arms and narrows her eyes and I swear she looks like a younger me. I place a hand on her shoulder. "Bria, it's been a long day for the both of us and we barely got much sleep two nights on the trot. You can see how we are a bit snappy." I say with a sharp glance at Corey. "We know we aren't the best company right now and we just want to watch tv and sleep."

My sisters nod at me. They give me hug before leaving the room. Corey comes up behind me and hugs me from behind. He pushes my hair away from my neck then places a kiss on my neck. I lean my head giving him access. He continues to place kisses up and down my neck. As I close my eyes, there's a knock at the door. Corey lets out a groan and puts his head on my shoulder.

I stifle a laugh, while going over and opening the door. Sophie stands there with a stern look on her face, "I know you're both adults and in an adult relationship. But please don't have sex while I'm here. And use protection." With that said she closed the door.

I looked at Corey as we both started laughing. When we finally stopped, we got ready for bed. I lie down while Corey is in the bathroom. It doesn't take long for him to come back. He grabs the tv remote on his way to the bed.

"What do you want to watch?" he asks me while turning on netflix. I shrug and lean my head on his shoulder. He puts on a random film and rests his head on mine. Not long into the film Corey's breathing evens out. I grab the remote and put the tv on sleep timer. And not long after I follow.

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