Chapter 11

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It's been a few months and it's a week before the wedding. It's now June and classes are winding down for the year.

I am sitting in the common room's sofa reading. I've got a hot chocolate in one hand, a book in the other. The door opens and I look up to see Sam come in.

"Are you seriously reading?" She says in a snide tone, "haven't you got a bridesmaid dress to fit into? Why are you drinking that fat riddled drink?"

I let out a laugh, "Sam, I don't worry about my weight because I don't have to. I exercise enough that I won't put on weight by drinking one hot chocolate."

"Maybe you should." She speaks. I shoot her a glare. I go back to my book.

You'd think after me almost braking Stacey's arm they'd get the hint that I'd hurt them but nope. Harmony walks and sits opposite me with a small smile.

"So, is Corey coming round today?" She asks with a small smile. I give her a pointed look. Her and Charles have been filled in completely. Now she keeps asking what I'm going to decide in a week.

"He's got practice till three and then I'm sure Jonah has something planned for them," I shrug.

"I thought he'd see you before the bachelor party tonight," she shrugs. I slam my book shut. "That's tonight."

She nods, "yeah they've invited Charles to go as he's close with Corey and Mack."

If on cue Charles walks in and sits next to Harmony, "what you two talking about?"

"The bachelor party tonight. Any idea what you're doing?" I ask him.

He laughs, "A pub crawl, I think. Leo got the help of Nathan and Dylan. They're starting with pubs that have the most meaning to him now and going back on his pub life."

"So, you'd start around her then end up at the Craven?" I ask. He nods. I feel a plan formulating. "Well, I'm going to go to my room before I have to go to work."

I head into my room and start making phone calls. Most of the owners of the pubs find it hilarious that I'm pranking the bachelor party and are all for it. The others took a lot more to persuade them.

I finish my last call as I hear Charles leave. I find Harmony and pull her into my room.

"What's up?" She asks me concerned.

I let out a sigh. I don't know why I pulled her in here. I start pushing for no reason.

"Clara calm down. What is going on? I've never seen you so nervous," she says with her own nervous laugh.

"I don't know I guess there's still things that I have to do before the wedding. And don't ask me about my stance on Corey. I honestly don't know," I rant.

She places her hand on my shoulders turning me to face her, "Alright, let's start with this Corey thing. Do you trust him again?"

I think about it. He's been open with me. He acts like he used to but better in some sense. He's like a totally new version. He is always checking in on me.

"I do. Well, I think I do anyway. He's different than before. He doesn't rely on his friends' opinions of me anymore. He hasn't shut me out." I reply.

She has a small smile on her face, "you obviously still like him. Maybe even love him. How would you feel if he just disappeared for no reason or no word?"

"Worried. Scared. I don't know. A lot of things, really. I feel like I'd be looking for him nonstop. I already have insomnia, so I'd be alright with no sleep." I tell her.

"Aww. You really do love him. It's a shame you're not together yet. I know Charles is grilling him tonight. Trying to get him to drink so he'd spill," she says with a smile on her face.

I smirk at the fact that it would be impossible for that to happen tonight. I turn it into a small smile, so she doesn't get suspicious.

"Have you packed for the wedding yet?" She asks me.

I look at her confused, "no."

"How about we do it now?" She offers I nod.

Thank God I can just say the dress I'm swapping Molly's with is mine. I pull out my suitcase from under my bed and open it up. I shove in day clothes, a dress for the rehearsal dinner, Molly's dress, pjs, underwear. I have to sneak in my strapless bra so she wouldn't get suspicious. Shoes, makeup, I leave a space for toiletries before closing my case and looking at Harmony.

"I wish I was going to the day." She sighs, "they said we could come on the night. As we've become close over the past few months."

"Yeah, the day is going to be drama filled. You might actually be glad you missed it," I tell her, "Weddings in my family don't always end up with everyone having fun."

She looks confused but brushes it off. We watch a few movies before she goes to her room and I close my eyes and go to sleep.

My phone ringing wakes me up two hours later. I answer it without looking at the id.

"Hey Clara, do you know of any pubs near yours we could go to," Corey's voice rings through my ear.

"Not really," I mumble yawning.

"Oh, sorry babe did I wake you up," he sounds guilty.

I hear muffled voices in the background. I let out a sigh rubbing my eyes. I look at the clock to see it's almost one, "you do realise it's almost one right. How come you want to know where the nearest pubs are?"

"Mack's bachelor party. Sorry I woke you, I thought you'd still be up," he says.

"It's fine don't worry about it. Sorry I can't help," I murmur.

I hear some bustling around, "hi Hun, are you sure you don't know if any pubs." Dad's voice fills my ear now.

"No dad I don't. I'm going to hang up now. Enjoy your night," I tell him hanging up without hearing a reply. I see a text from Lola.

Good job

I laugh. I thought she would enjoy the fact she won't have to deal with grumpy Mack tomorrow. I close my eyes and study back of to sleep. I bet I'm going to hear a rant of Corey tomorrow.

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