Chapter 4

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Here's where it starts to get a little violent. Consider yourself warned!

She made her way into town. "Now, to form my army." A toad child was walking near. As time went on, she grew less shadow like and closer to her true form. With an army and the hero's out of her way, nothing would stop her from getting her sweet revenge and taking control again. "Hello, child" She said, before quickly striking the small child down. It happened all to fast, and it was all to easy. A small SOUL floated up, and a new Pixl was formed. She smiled. 

Something was wrong. Dimentio was home, alone. L said he was going to town to restock on shroom shakes, so he didn't expect him to be back for a while. He walked out of his house and looked down on the Kingdom. A good thing about living on a hill, it made you feel like you were on top of the world. Dimentio smiled to himself, before seeing a dark figure all the way down there. His smile quickly faded. "What is that..." He asked himself. He teleported himself near, but just out of sight, before his eyes went wide. "NO!" He quickly teleported away. He had to find Luigi.

She had gotten most of the toads in town. She would sweep the area afterward to make sure she didn't forget anybody, but for now, she needed to head to the castle. A certain princess would make a fine Pixl. She mad her way inside.

"LUIGI?! LUIGI! THIS IS URGENT!" Dimentio called out. He searched the Mario Bros' house, his own house, the town, but Luigi wasn't any of those places. He made his way through the woods. "LUIGI?" Dimentio felt a real feeling of worry. He knew that if she became to powerful there would be no stopping her. And all that time she had to plan couldn't lead to anything good. Dimentio continued searching the woods when he found Luigi sitting against a tree. "LUIGI! Thank Grambi! Listen, I need you to take me to where you are hiding the Dark Prognosticus."

 Luigi, shocked to see Dimentio looking so worried, looked up at him. "What? Why? I thought we agreed that we needed to keep it hidden. Why do you need it?" Dimentio quickly responded, "I don't need it, we need to protect it. We can't let her get ahold of it! Come on, there's no time to think!" Luigi got up, worried by Dimentio's urgent tone. "She? Who's she??" 

She made her way in, to see not one, but two Princesses. She recognized the one in pink, but not the one in orange. She smiled to herself. "Oh, good. Another Pixl for my army."

The two Princess looked up at her. "Uhh, WHO ARE YOU?" The princess in orange said. She laughed. "Think of me as your new queen." Peach stepped back, causing the dark figure to laugh. "Running away are we. Don't worry Princesses. This should be quick." She calmly said, right before picking up Princess Peach with unmeasurable strength and taking a knife, slicing it through the Princess's stomach.

The Princess in Orange, Daisy, let out a scream. Peach fell to the ground, before a small heart appeared above. The figure took it, and created a new Pixl. Daisy watched in horror, before the figure turned to her. "You're next."

"WHAT??" Luigi cried out. "NO! Daisy is in town! I have to go help!" Luigi took off running. "No! But the Dark Prognosticus, LUIGI! WAIT" Dimentio called, as he teleported in front of Luigi. "I'll go get that after we get her and make sure she's okay." Luigi said, as he continued sprinting forward. Dimentio grabbed him. "There is no time, we have to-" "NO! I have to make sure she is alright" Luigi snapped. Dimentio rubbed his temples. "Fine. Fine. I'll teleport us there. We get in, grab her, get out, then protect the book. We can't waste any time."

Daisy stepped backward. Fuming with anger and grief. "YOU, WHAT DID YOU DO??" She yelled out. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!" The dark figure laughed. "How cute. Come on, show me what you've got. I've prepared for way worse." Daisy charged forward, ready to swiftly kick down the figure, when the figure moved aside and grabbed Daisy's arm. "You're funny. Don't worry, this will only take a second." Daisy squirmed. "No, Don't think you're going to get away with this! I won't die easily." She said. The figure took the same knife used on Peach, still warm, and stabbed right through Daisy's stomach. Daisy collapsed to the ground. "Heh, this is all to easy." The figure said, before leaving. "Now, to deal with the Heroes."

Dimentio grabbed ahold of Luigi and teleported them both inside Peach's castle. "Daisy?? DAISY ARE YOU HERE-" Luigi suddenly stopped. Dimentio's horrified look of his face was covered by his mask. Luigi stepped forward. "D-Daisy? Peach?" He said. He dropped to his knees next to Daisy's body. He could see a stab wound in her stomach. "N-no.....No no no NO. This can't be real. This-this...." He started sobbing. "DAISY, COME BACK. COME BACK." He grabbed her lifeless body and pulled her into a hug. 

Dimentio rushed over to him. "We don't have time for this. I'm sorry Luigi, we have to go protect the book." Luigi ignored him and continued to sob. Dimentio himself was trying to hold tears in. He grabbed Luigi's arm. "Come on. We have to go, she could already be there. We have to hurry." Luigi softly cried, "I should have gotten here faster. I could have helped. I could have protected them." Dimentio started pulling Luigi away. "We still don't have time. You can still protect the book. We can't let her get her hands on it." Luigi softly nodded, before letting go of Daisy. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "I love you Daisy." He whispered. 

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