Chapter 5

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This chapter is a little violent too. Consider yourself warned.

She had pretty much cleared the kingdom. Just a few stragglers were left. Now, to find the Heroes. Taking them down should be fairly easy. This time she was powerful. This time she was prepared. With each new Pixl created her power was returning. A power she had not felt in centuries.

Luigi slowly grabbed Dimentio's hand, letting him teleport the both of them to his house. They appeared right in front of the door, which was broken down. "The door is broken, do you think she already got in?" Dimentio asked. Luigi ignored him and collapsed to his knees. "I-I'll never see her again. This can't be real. I-I-" Luigi started sobbing even harder. Dimentio tried picking him up. "I know. I know, but right now we need to go. Come on." Dimentio was tugging at Luigi's arm, trying to get him to stand up, when the figure appeared behind them.

Dimentio quickly turned around. Luigi turned his head. "Luigi! Get the book and go! I'll hold her off!" Dimentio said. Luigi looked up at her, a horrified look on his face. Dimentio turned back to face him. "I SAID GO YOU IDIOT!" Luigi scooted back against the wall. "DIMENTIO, WATCH OUT!" Suddenly, the figure picked up Dimentio by the back of his collar and turned him so he was face to face with her. 

Luigi was frozen in fear. "Luigi, GO. GET. THE. BOOK. I can handle this." Dimentio said, squirming trying to break free from her grip. She laughed. "You were the one I was most worried about, but seeing you now, I realize that you're nothing more than a simple jester." She began wrapping her hands around his neck. Dimentio continued to squirm, while Luigi remained frozen. She laughed. "You know who I am, don't you." Dimentio managed to spit out, "Yes. I know exactly who you are." His legs began kicking. She laughed and squeezed tighter, causing Dimentio to cry out in pain. Luigi cried. "Dimentio!" Dimentio tried doing something, anything to get away, but his body was shutting down. She laughed. "Say it." Dimentio continued to squirm. She laughed and squeezed tighter. "Say. My. Name."

Dimentio quietly whispered. "Shadoo." Her smile turned to a scowl. She squeezed even tighter. "Wrong answer. Say. It." He started wheezing. "Ahh, I- Lui- get the bo-" His mask began to crack. "I won't ask again, jester." His legs stopped moving, and he began to squirm less. He softly whispered "The Pixl Queen." 

She smiled. "Good." Luigi's face relaxed a little, before her grip tightened more around Dimentio. "Dimentio! NO!" Luigi screamed, hot tears falling down his face. The queen squeezed harder and harder, until they could hear a loud snapping sound. She let go and Dimentio fell to the ground. A portion of his mask broken off, revealing a scarred, burnt section of Dimentio's face, just over his left eye. Luigi gasped in fear and shock.

The Pixl Queen laughed. "And to think, I thought he was going to be the most difficult to kill. One down...." She looked over at Luigi. "Three to go....."

Luigi picked himself up. "Dimentio, Dimentio??" The Pixl queen laughed. "He's gone. No being revived this time. Now why don't you join him." She stepped towards the green plumber. He quickly turned around, taking one last look at Dimentio's lifeless body, before running. He had to protect the Dark Prognosticus. That's what Dimentio wanted him to do.

He ran behind him into his room and shut the door behind him. Quickly, he made his way into his basement, and fumbled around, tears still falling down his face. "Where's that key, where's that key??" He asked himself, before finding it in a drawer. "Yes!" He said. He quickly turned around an made his way to the edge of the basement room. There was a loose board on the floor, and below it was a locked box which contained the Dark Prognosticus. He quickly grabbed the book. "Okay, okay, just gotta get out of here and get far far away. Maybe I can find shelter in Deltarune, or-" His thoughts were interrupted by the Pixl queen, barging in.

Luigi quickly turned around. He gasped, and almost dropped the book. He held onto it tightly. "I-I-If you want this, you're g-going to have to go through me." He said, trying to sound brave. This made the Queen laugh. "Well, if it isn't half of the man in green himself. How silly, I didn't come for the book." She inched her way closer. Luigi stepped backward. "I came for you."

 Luigi held on to the book tighter. "W-what?" She made her way even closer, his back now pressed against the wall, fear in his eyes. "Although, now that you mention it, the book might not be a bad thing to have." She slowly yanked the Dark Prognosticus out of his grip. Luigi reached for it. "No! Wait, Give it!" Luigi called, crying even more. She smiled an incredibly creepy smile, before inching even closer. "Now, how to do away with you."

The Pixl Queen quickly thrust Luigi to the ground and placed pressure on his head. Luigi cried out in pain. "No! Stop! Please, I-it hurts!" This only caused her to laugh. "You're going to be even easier to kill than the jester." Luigi's cries echoed through the house. "Just wait until my brother comes! He'll stop you! He'll defeat you! You'll see! Good ALWAYS wins!" You'll-" CRACK.

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