Chapter 15

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They stepped down. The world seemed darker. Mario turned to Mr. L. "I think it worked." Mr. L examined his surroundings. "Yeah, only where is everyone-" Suddenly, they saw a person. A single person, approaching a large temple.

"That must be the guy. The guy who takes her down." Mr. L said. He looked over at Mario and Dimentio. "Okay, so we didn't honestly think we would get this far. We just gotta go and make sure she's gone once he defeats her." Mario nodded. "Sounds like a good idea."

The trio trailed behind the final descendant, until they reached the temple. Dimentio looked up at it's entirety. "It's beautiful...." He said. Mr. L nodded. 

The trio watched from afar as the last descendant took on the queen. She was really strong, and the battle was not looking good. "He needs our help!" Mario cried, almost rushing in. Mr. L held him back. "No, wait. We can't interfere yet." The three watched. The Pixl queen knocked the man down, and he didn't get up. "Okay, CAN WE INTERFERE NOW?" Mario asked. Dimentio shook his head. "I think this is when that one Pixl sacrifices itself to defeat her." Sure enough, that's exactly what happened. A single Pixl rose up, and the two fought, a bright light filling the room, then everything stopped. Mr. L sighed. "Okay, good. Now, he just has to get up and go, then we'll make sure she's really dead.

They waited, and waited, and waited. But he didn't get up.

".....Is he dead?" Mario asked. Mr. L cocked his head to the side. "No, he can't be. He needs to go get the book and found the tribe of darkness." Dimentio suddenly teleported himself inside.

"DIMENTIO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??" Mr. L whisper screamed. Dimentio went down and checked the man's pulse, a worried expression on his masked face. Oh good, he was alive. He waved his arms, telling L and Mario to come inside. L and Mario slowly followed. "He's alive, just knocked out." Dimentio said. 

They all turned around, to the Pixl queen picking herself up slowly. "There's five of you?" She asked. Mr. L got into a fighting stance. "Oh, great. She's still awake. I thought that Pixl took care of you." 

She slowly floated forward. She was much weaker, but still alive. She began to laugh, and moved her hands to the side. Everyone went flying except for Luigi, who was watching from afar, and the fallen man. She quickly aimed for the magician's apprentice's descendant. "Did you really think you could stop me?" She asked. Suddenly, a line of concentrated green shot at her.

Mario and Dimentio looked at Mr. L. His eyes went wide. "That wasn't me." He turned around, to see Luigi, in a fighting stance, standing behind all of them.

The Pixl queen stepped back. "Ah, a lovely team of heroes." She vanished, her voice echoing through the temple. "Have fun finding me."

Mario glared at Luigi. "HOW DID YOU GET HERE?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Luigi smiled and waved. "H-hey Mario." Mr. L looked around. "She's somewhere in here, still alive. We have to get her before he wakes up and realizes we're here." He said, pointing to the passed out descendant.

Mario marched up to his brother. "I'm taking you home. I told you not to come." Luigi began to pout, "But we're already here. I can help. I'm capable." Dimentio called after him, "Mario, he's already here, there isn't time to go all the way back." Mario tried protesting. "But-" "We have to find her. She's weaker right now, so we have to strike while we can." Mr. L interrupted. Mario looked down and nodded. "Fine."

They split into groups, searching the temple for the queen. Luigi stayed in that main room, making sure the descendant was safe. 

Her laughs echoes through the halls.

Mario found himself in a dark room. He summoned some fire with the wave of his hand, lighting the way. "Alright. Where are you." He was alone, in this large room. He heard a whooshing sound behind him. He quickly turned around, but saw no one. "Hello?" He called out. Suddenly, a large figure appeared behind him. "Ah, the hero of the group." 

 He quickly turned around and dodged her attack. "Whoa!" He said, skidding out of the way. "I know you." Her voice echoed. Mario stayed silent, frantically looking around. "You want to protect others. You want to ensure everyone's safety. Especially the safety of those you care about most." Mario grit his teeth.

 He quickly jumped up and tried landing on her, but she moved out of the way. Mario shot a line of fire at her. She winced in pain, the suddenly, she was gone. He turned around. "Where'd she go?"

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