Chapter 16

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Mr. L took a step. It was quiet. Too quiet. He found himself in a hallway, with eight doors, all shut. He slowly walked through, when he heard the first door creak open. He rushed over to check, but no one was inside. He heard laughter. "Show yourself!" He called out. Suddenly, the third door open. He walked over to it, then the first door slammed shut.

This was frustrating. 

"Quit hiding and face me!" He called. The Pixl Queen's voice echoed down the halls. "Oh, but where's the fun in that?" He balled up his fists. Doors started opening and closing all around him. He covered his ears, the door slams echoing through his head.

He saw her for a brief second out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned to face her, she was gone. "UGH, JUST COME OUT ALREADY!" He cried. The doors stopped, all of them remaining open except the seventh door. He slowly approached it.

He opened the door, and went inside. It was quiet again. It was fairly dark, with a torch on the wall, just barely lighting the room. The room didn't seem to big, but it wasn't quite small either. He took the torch and walked forward.

The door then slammed shut behind him. He turned around and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. "No, No no no!" He said, trying not to freak out. He quickly looked around for something, anything to pry the door open. He searched the dimly lit room, torch in hand. There was nothing in here. Nothing but one, slightly disturbing casket. He approached it. It was sealed closed, thank goodness. It was also rather dusty. It gave off some really unsettling vibes.

"Do you know who that is?" Boomed the Pixl Queen's voice. Mr. L quickly turned around, and got into a fighting stance, but he still couldn't see her. Her voice sounded like it was coming from all corners of the room. "Show yourself you coward!" He called. He heard laughter. "Ah, the man of mystery. You know, once I enslave all the ancients, Pixls wont have to live their lives in service to them." Mr. L stayed still. She continued, "And, maybe someday, I will become powerful enough to return to my body." Mr. L raised an eyebrow. "What?" He then looked over at the casket. "I could be myself again. I could be normal. I could die the way I was born." 

Mr. L's eyes softened, before hardening again. 

"You took everything from me." 

The torch went out, leaving them in darkness, when a green glow filled the room. The Pixl Queen then appeared, floating over her casket. 

"No, they took everything from me. My body, my freedom, all I want is my revenge. I want to make this world fair for all Pixls. I want to die in my own body." 

Mr. L shot a line of green thunder at her, causing her to vanish. "I DON'T CARE! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" He ceased fire after a full minute of shooting. He slowly lowered his hands. He was all alone. He looked over at the door, which was wedged shut earlier. It was open now.

The Pixl Queen made her way into the largest room in the temple. She knew she was weak, and her time was running short. She sensed one of the heroes was in this room, but looking around, she didn't see anyone.

"Ah ha ha ha ha" She turned around to see a certain Jester, sitting in the air, kicking his legs back in forth. "The jester." She said. He suddenly teleported behind her. "Jester? I have a name, you know?" She laughed. "How amusing. It can teleport." Suddenly, Dimentio came walking into view, but he was still behind her. "Wait, how are you-" More clones appeared around the room. A total of five. They all began to levitate as well. 

"How rude of me, I don't think I've properly introduced myself." Dimentio chimed, teleporting back in front of her. "I am Dimentio! Remember the name well." He snapped his fingers, and disappeared, along with his clones. The Pixl queen looked around. Dimentio's laughs were echoing, coming from every corner of the room. The Pixl Queen smiled. "Oh, this one's fun!"

She heard a finger snap, causing a series of minor explosions to go off around her. She was about to leave to find the last hero, but something made her want to stay. She knew her time was running out, and that she would be cast to the shadows soon enough as she was getting weaker, but playing with these heroes had been rather fun. She too, made herself invisible, her voice also echoing around the room. 

"You know, you remind me of me." 

Dimentio stopped, and made himself visible again. 

"No. I am nothing like you."

"All I want is a better world for Pixls, then to die happy. You and I, we aren't so different. I can see who you are. You're just like me. You want a perfect world, a place where no one will have to go through what you've been through." Dimentio looked down. 

"Stop talking. You don't know me." 

She too made herself visible. "You want a world where no child has to go through what you've been through. A world where you don't have to watch your parents die." 

"Stop talking."

"A world where you don't have to become a jester, performing for others, being mocked and made fun of just for the enjoyment of others." 

"I said shut up" 

"A world where no one goes hungry. Where no one is neglected." 


 Dimentio raised his hand, about to cause another series of explosions to go off. "You don't know me." The Pixl queen lowered herself. "You want a world where people can love whoever they want. You and I aren't so different. I want a world where Pixls don't live in service to others, a world where we are seen as equals. A world where I won't have to be hidden away. A perfect world for us."

Dimentio sighed, holding back tears. He looked up, meeting her eyes. 

"I know that this world isn't perfect....but it's mine. I live in it, with all it's imperfections. I can except it now, and I'm not gonna let you take it away from me." He snapped his fingers, causing another series of explosions. "Ciao~!"

One more fatal hit and she would be done. One last hero to visit.

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