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*Louis' P.O.V*

I woke up at 8, with the sunlight threatening to burn my face, as it streamed through the room.

"Damn." I cursed as I scrambled up and pulled the curtains together. I stretched and entered the washroom, pausing to pull my phone out of my pocket. I had a text from Paul.

'Get the boys and come to the office, gotta finalize the tour plans'

I sighed and replied to Paul.

Singing under my breath, I took a quick shower and went downstairs. All the boys were ready and having breakfast.

When I entered the kitchen, the boys looked at me with a worried expression on their faces. "What?" I chuckled, "worried I am looking hotter than you?"

"No Louis, did you sleep properly?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I did, why?"

"Well...never mind, let's g-" Niall started getting up when I pulled him right back down.

"No, wait a minute? What happened?"

Niall looked awkward as I looked at him.


"No, Louis."

Angered, I commanded with a stern voice, " Niall James Horan, tell.me.it."

He stuttered before looking at the others, who looked equally panic stricken.

"Well, Lou," Liam paused, looking at me.

*Shiki's P.O.V*

I was lying down, and the rapper with tattooed eyelids whose name I could never remember was wearing a surgical gown and mask with a tattoo machine in his hands.

"Hey, shawty want tattooed eyelids?" He bent over me and pressed the machine to my eyelids, while someone was yelling, "Shiki! Shiki!"

My eyes flew open. Scarlet was sitting beside me, shaking me hard.

"Oh my god, quit shaking me." I huffed.

"Oh my god, stop screaming."She replied, imitating my sleepy voice.

I was screaming?

Oh, my snoop dogg.

That's a first.

Along with that expression.

Where do I even learn these?

"Wow." I sat up.

"You're so weird."

"Can't hear you." I mumbled, and jumped off the bed, running to the shower.

Dunno why I was so excited.

"Hey, hurry up, we gotta meet the boys today, remember?"Scarlet yelled.

Say what?

*Louis' P.O.V*


"You woke up in the middle of the night, waking all of us too in the process," My eyes widened, "And then you lock yourself in, and take ages to come out. We were worried." Liam explained.

My expression softened, "It's alright lads." I said.

I never realized I worried them too. I shook it off and looked at Harry, who had fallen asleep on the kitchen counter.

"Hey lazy-pants. Get up!" I yelled in Harry's ears. He 'oomphed' and fell off the chair.

His bathrobe flew open, and it seemed like he wasn't wearing any pants.

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