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"Yeah, mum, everything went well." I smiled, as my mother freaked over me managing an entire concert. She still couldn't believe I was out here, managing to make a living for myself, after being kicked out of a well-paying job. I still wonder how Paul hired me. I do not have any experience in managing boy band concerts as such. But, I am still glad he did.

"I am so proud of you! " My mother gushed from the other end. "You make me so happy. Ever since you were a kid. You- okay! Coming! I gotta go, honey. Love you." My mum rushed. After saying my goodbyes, I hung up.

I walked out of the corner I was huddled into, feeling a bit homesick. It had been four months since I saw my mother, or my brother. Skype was an option, but I just ignored it. Skype made things harder, the longing difficult.

Making my way towards the little room they called my 'office' , I checked my schedule. Today was actually free. I had forgotten it was. Maybe I will bring that skype idea into action, yeah?

"Shiki!" I heard a voice yell behind me. I turned around to see a figure dressed in a white sweater and black jeans, hair swept to one side, running towards me at full speed.

Louis. What was it with him and yelling?

"Yeah?" I turned to face him, as he skidded to a stop. He looked happy. Just the thing I needed to lighten my mood.

"I want to take you out to dinner." He panted. I choked as the words came out his mouth. Did I hear him right?

"D-Dinner? Me? You? What?" I sputtered, as Louis stared at me with an intent smile.

"Yeah. I'll pick you up by eight?" He nodded, emphasizing his question, and I answered with a blank expression.

He chuckled, his eyes shining. He knew I was freaking out. I think my reaction was justified. This was the thing with Louis- when you are fooling around with him, you tend to get over his superstar persona. I forget how I am, deep down, a directioner. But the moment he left, the entire overwhelming feeling rushed to hit you like a truck. That's what was happening right now. I'd gotten over his perfection, but while being alone, it came back. Now, I was talking to him when he looked amazing, plus wanted to take me out to a freaking dinner, and I was an utter mess.

I gulped to regain my composure. It just a dinner. It isn't a marriage proposal. "Yeah, alright," I nodded profusely, "I will be ready."

He grinned yet again. Turning back on his heels, Louis hurtled down the corridor.

I need to get ready.

** 3 hours later **

"You're not her." Announced Louis as I stepped out my room, key in tow.

"Not who?"

"I'm used to seeing you in jeans and a tee. It's kinda weird to see you all dressed up, but nonetheless, you look gorgeous," Louis nodded, and I turned around to face him. He had changed into a sky-blue button down. I must say, he looked so pretty I wanted to cry. I was nothing in front of him.

"Thank you, I guess?" It's really wonderful that my maniacal thoughts were rarely displayed in front of him. I dread to think what would have happened, if I was obvious. Or maybe I was, and everybody was just taking pity and pretending not to notice it?

"Let's go." Louis offered me his arm, which I took with a trembling heart. I don't even know what I was scared of, but I just was.


"A table under Tomlinson?" Louis asked the door girl with a dazzling smile. The dazzling smile was all part of a bet. He guessed the girl was an 'admirer' of the band, while I firmly believed she was not. His smile indented further, as the girl showed no signs of recognising him. Either she wasn't a fan, or was great at hiding her emotions. I wish I had some of her skills if it was the latter.

"Lemme check, just a moment, Mr. Tomlinson," she smiled, as her eyes dipped down, skimming the list. Louis looked at me, and leaned over to murmur, "I think you win."

I smiled and flashed him a dorky thumbsup, and he rolled his eyes.

"You're table is this way, sir." The girl motioned, and we followed her. She led us through couples giggling and munching on three course meals, and I was slightly envious. But then, I'm pretty sure their dinner buddies weren't part of an international boy band. Not that I would use that against them.

"You look like you're having dark thoughts," Louis remarked, bringing me back to the present. I laughed, and sat down on the chair he had pulled out for me and thanked him.

After ordering the chef's special, Louis reached for my hand. I immediately squeaked, my palms turning sweaty. I could tell he noticed my discomfort, as he reached for the glass of water beside my hand instead and took a sip. He set the goblet-shaped glass down, and looked at me with sheepish eyes.

"There's a reason I brought you out here today," he started. I nodded. "And that is?"

"I wanted to thank you."

"Thank me?"

"Well, after the panic attack, I was mighty disappointed in myself. My confidence suffered a huge blow. But, somehow, talking to you made things easier. Not those endearing conversations like in movies, just fooling around or laughing. That helped me in a great way. I know you're very busy with your work, but still you manage to take out the time. It means a lot, so thank you." He finished, leaving me stunned. I didn't realise he liked spending time with me. I felt it was just because he wanted to befriend me. Obviously, I'm an idiot.

"Wow, um, it's okay, Louis. It's my pleasure," I said awkwardly. He nodded. "Have you been feeling any better?" I asked.

"You kidding? I'm as good as new. It was just a one time thing." He grinned.

The waiter miraculously appeared, bearing mouth watering dishes in his hand. He set them down on our table, and smiled proudly. He pointed to the first dish, and announced, "Belgian white asparagus with a lavendar infusion," and then to the second, "Dragon carrot risotto."

Louis raised an eyebrow at me, and I stifled a giggle. The waiter, oblivious, set two flutes of champagne on our table. After wishing us, he left, slightly bouncing on his feet.

"That was extravagant," I remarked, looking at Louis. Within a heartbeat, we were both doubled over in laughter. Louis dug down into his first bite, wanting to check if it was 'worth eating or not'. He slowly chewed, and then, his eyes widened.

"Jesus Christ, this is amazing. I'm going to marry the person who made this!" He exclaimed. I laughed obnoxiously loud, and began eating.


Sorry for the late update or if the chapter is not up to your liking. I wrote it in a hurry, as some people (especially you, bro -_-) were threatening me. Have fun and stay safe. Don't die when the drag me down video is released, please.
Btw, I have been editing my previous chapters, bc they are just idiotic.

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