New jobs, poor iPhones.

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"So, this time, you will be accompanying the boys on their OTRA tour. Its for,wait lemme check, from march to October, I think. All costs of your accommodation and all the other bullshit will be handled by management, cool? And you will have to sign some contracts et cetera et cetera..and the most important part, you are a girl so please wear dignified clothes around the boys." Scarlet rattled off.

"Okay, Um, anything else?" I was already scared. She made it seem like I was going on a war or something.

"Honey, don't worry. It's your first time on the road. Honestly, its so much fun you tend to forget why you came in the first place." She said, excited that her childhood friend was accompanying her on an eight month tour.

"Yeah? Sounds good!" I agreed, sipping my coke.

I had been a die hard directioner in my teenage years, and for a few years I was completely blinded in love. I was obsessed and never did notice anything around me, except the boys. But as time passed, I turned my attention towards other things. I studied engineering, did a job for two years. Then, all of a sudden i was kicked out. Bewildered, but somehow relieved, I grabbed my opportunity and came to London a year ago, and lived with my school friends, who I miraculously found out here. Life was good and now, my fortunate friend who had managed to secure a job in one direction's crew, made me the secretary of their tour manager, Paul.

So here I am, at 22, about to have the time of my life with my former idols. I was still a fan, but not as obsessed.

"But, do you think I will be able to control myself when I see Louis? I mean, I had dreamed of such a time but now that its here, I can't help but..." I sighed, resting my head in my hands.

"Oh, calm down, I am sure you'll be great. After all, i went through the same thing, and here I am!" She grinned.

Yeah, when you are in a relationship with Niall Horan, that is what you say.


I am definitely getting old.

How can I miss my own birthday?

Niall noticed me and quickly shushed Liam, and they pretend to be busy in the movie. I act as if I never really forgot my birthday or if I overheard them . I jump on the couch and take a spoonful of Niall's food, ignoring his glare.

"So, guys, Christmas is pretty near...." I said suggestively and Zayn choked on his swig of water.

"Yes! We have done full prep, lad!" Niall says cheerily, attempting to diffuse the awkwardness. "Yeah Louis, you just sit back and find yourself a girl. Honestly, how long its been since you went on a date?!" Harry laughed, and I could feel the color creeping into my cheeks.

"Well, Harold, that's none of your business, seeing that you are already head over heels." I replied cheekily. Harry mock-punched me and grinned, a dreamy look coming in his eyes.

"That's right. I am!" Harry yelled, standing up on the couch. I chuckled and picked up a plate. Zayn started laughing hard once again. And Liam, well, he was busy in his phone. Niall said "Liam! Concentrate!" As if we were at school, and Niall was our Irish maths teacher . Although he was so teddy-bear like, not a single student would ever take him seriously.

Liam looked up at last, wandering his eyes around indifferently. Finding nothing really engaging, he went back to his Iphone.

Zayn leaned over to peep into Liam's phone. Keeping his eyes on the screen, he gulped down a spoonful of the spicy Italian.

"Shit." Zayn cursed. His eyes began watering, the food evidently being too hot for his tolerance. He quickly reached for a bottle of water. But, as soon as he took a swig of water, he choked, and a spray of water spewed out from his mouse straight onto the Iphone.

Liam stood up. "Zayn!" He wailed, wiping his phone rigorously with the bottom of his shirt.

Zayn just stared at the phone, while we three just couldn't control our laughter.

"Calm down, Liam." I chuckled and took the phone from him. I wiped the drops of water off with a tissue and pressed the power button.The apple logo flashed on the screen and Liam sighed in relief, putting his precious phone back in his pocket.

"Can we go back to the movie?" Harry requested. I nodded, and reached for the remote.


I woke up with my face plastered to the leather couch (drool is an amazing natural adhesive). I looked at the clock that read 11:30 pm and sighed.

The movie was long over.

I stood up and went to my room, picking up my Ipod, hoping some music could lull me to sleep again. I selected my regular playlist and sat back on the little bean bag in my room, admiring the view out of my window.

It had been a long while since I last went on a date. It was with Harry's friend Eleanor, but after meeting up we decided we would be better off as friends.

That had been six months ago.

I just wasn't in the mood to get into the dating picture again. I hadn't had any girlfriends since X-Factor. I mean, the boys encouraged me to get with a few girls, and I did. But it never really went beyond the two-three awkward dates. So eventually, my mind was distracted by family, friends and most importantly, working on our fourth studio album. It was still the beginning of it, and we had no more than two songs ready-illusion and eighteen. They weren't even recorded yet.

As mirrors, by Justin Timberlake started, I realized how alone I was. True, I had amazing friends and a wonderful job, but in a way these weren't enough. I was a hopeless romantic but never really found someone I could properly love. Maybe I did need to find someone.


I stood up and walked towards Paul's office, slightly skidding as the floor was polished and I was in stupid heels. I had dressed up, seeing that it was my first day at work. And i looked like Ariana Grande.

Or so someone told me.

I knocked on the door and heard a low key "come in." I walked in, taking deep breaths to steady myself. Sherry was already present, winking at me. I managed to give them both a weak smile. I was about to pull a chair, when my feet decided they didn't want to endure heels anymore. Lurching drunkenly, I slipped and fell on my back.

Sometimes I wished I had more flesh. It would help when I fell down on hard floors.

"Oh my god, Shiki, are you okay?" Sherry said, looking worried.

"Yes, yes. I am fine." I managed to say. Paul stood over me and helped me get to my feet, chuckling. I am certainly gonna get fired the first day itself.

"You alright there?" Paul asked, handing me a glass of water.

I nodded, feeling sick.

"Well I am guessing Scarlet has told you everything about the tour?"

"Yes sir."

"You can call me Paul."

"Okay si-Paul."

"Well, you are here with us the duration of the tour. You know that."


Paul proceeded to tell me other details of the tour, while all O could think of how much my elbow hurt back from that trip to the floor. Ouch.

" that's all" Paul finished.



"C'mon Shiki." Sherry said,

"Ok thanks, Paul."

Paul smiled at me and we left.

"You weren't really listening, were you?"


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