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*This one is dedicated to @

thebananacpa. Thanks so much for your help!*

It was 2 days until my birthday, and I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that i was going to be 23! I mean, could you grow up way too fast, or what? I didn't want to grow up.

We were on a break. No interviews, no shows, nothing. I couldn't be more happier, as I was knackered and absolutely fed up with our constantly busy lives. Its not that I didn't enjoy it, or loathed it. But sometimes, one needs some time off. And we hardly ever have that.

I had decided to visit my family, back in doncaster. It had been way too long since I saw my mum and Dan, along with my many siblings. I needed fresh air, and maybe I could see my old mates, plus I had a meeting with the football team I played in, Donny Rovers.

I packed a single duffle bag, with some clothes, my laptop and other necessities. On an impulse, I had rented a convertible, wanting to take full advantage of my rare good moods. It will be freezing I suppose, but i didn't mind.

I went downstairs, startled to hear girls' voices. The boys' girlfriends were at home, probably planning an outing. "Hey, sexy." Harry's girlfriend sam said.

"Uh, hey! I was just leaving." I said hesistantly.

"For?" Niall asked suspiciously, accepting a bite from Shatakshi's taco.

"Donny." I picked up the keys to the rental, and walked out of the house. Maybe that was rude, but I just wanted to avoid any questions about my sudden mood swing. Even I found it weird.

I hopped in the car and threw my duffle bag onto the backseat. I put in a special travel mix CD in the player, which Liam had made for me that time i had to go to L.A all alone-I was moping all hell about it. It contained my favourite tracks, and it immediately drove my mind away from all problems. I didn't necessarily listen to it on travels, just anytime.

As the songs began playing, I pulled out on the street.

I had some serious thinking to do.

I had had a girlfriend back in high school, but it was never really serious. We broke up just before I auditioned for the X-Factor. After meeting me, Harry decided I was 'miserable', and set up a date for me with his childhood friend, Eleanor Calder. She was beautiful, and really funny-almost my replica. But, at the end of the date, we both felt that we did click, but it was as friends. It would be better if we didn't complicate our association, and leave it at friendship. She was now dating our musical band member, Josh.

Hell, I am just overthinking it. I don't want to be the guy who is sulking because he isn't in a relationship. I will have a girlfriend when the time comes.

*Shiki's P.O.V*

Am i the only one awake at this hour?

Like it was 3 in the morning. My eyes flew open after a nightmare of sorts, and I just couldn't go back to sleep. I thought of going to sherry, because she always calmed me down when I was tensed. But when I went to her room, i realised she had been working all day, and was really tired. So I quit the idea, and went to the balcony in my room.

I just couldn't believe I had finally met Louis, and talked to him. It had seemed like a distant dream, but now that it had happened, I couldn't help but feel that it was too damn good to be true. Maybe he was just bluffing when he seemed interested in my name, or when he had coffee with me. Maybe he just needed someone to pass the time with. Maybe. Maybe he wasn't in his right mind when he said there could be nothing wrong about me. Ofcourse he was kidding. Really, he was a popstar and he had his way with words. My overactive mind could be playing tricks on me, and louis meant something else. There was no way to know. But, I guess he didn't really talk to someone that way, someone he had just met, did he? Keeping in mind that he knew I was a fan! He approached me, had coffee with me, and said those words to me. There was something twisted with that, and it was giving me a headache. Maybe, maybe not...

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