Lmao Confession or smth lmaooo

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Lol future me here, this chapter sucks so if you want an actually decent confession just skip to next chapter lolll


Shuichi looked at the note he had gotten again.

I'm honestly too embarrassed to ask this in person, so here we are. I've liked you for quite awhile now, I'm not sure if it's been obvious or not. I don't know if you feel the same, but if you do, can we meet in the dining hall at 7 tonight? I hope you can still be my sidekick if not!

-Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars

This has to be a prank, probably done by Kokichi. There's no way the most popular guy at school actually had a crush on somebody like him.

Shuichi thought he had been obvious about his crush, constantly getting caught staring at Kaito or even drawing hearts with their initials in his margins. But Kaito had never been one for brains.

What if this wasn't a prank though? Should he go just to find out or will he end up humiliated?

It was 4:00 pm at the moment, he had 3 hours to make up his mind.

Even if it was a prank and his crush got outed to the school, Kaito probably wouldn't be upset. He was way too caring and would probably forget about it. But what if he was disgusted and didn't want to be friends?

Shuichi decided it's best to go and just hope that Kaito actually did send that note.

Shuichi hung out with Kaede a bit to pass the time before it was almost 7, they usually practiced piano together anyways.

Standing in front of the dining hall, he took a deep breath. Even if it is a prank, Kaito won't mind, he thought before squeezing his eyes shut and pushing open the door.

"You actually came..!" Kaito's voice sounded surprised.

Shuichi opened his eyes and found him sitting at the table, his leg was bouncing and he looked nervous.

Shuichi immediately started grinning, this wasn't a prank, it was almost like a dream come true.

Kaito stood up, "I was worried you'd think I was gross or something. You don't think that right?"

Shuichi shook his head, "I was worried it was some kind of joke."

"So you do actually.. like me back?"

"Heh, yeah. I didn't think somebody like you could actually like somebody like me."

"You're already my sidekick! Why wouldn't I like you?"

"Why would you? I'm a mess honestly."

"C'mon, a man can't look down on himself like that! You're stronger than I could ever be," Kaito moved closer to Shuichi, grabbing his hand, "If you're mean to yourself it means I've failed with helping you!"

Shuichi looked up at Kaito, face flushed from being so close to and holding his hand, "You're serious about liking me? This really isn't some prank?"

Kaito leaned down and pressed their lips together, taking Shuichi by surprise.

"That seem like a prank?" He asked, pulling away grinning.

"I-uh-heh, nope," Shuichi blurted out, still in shock.

Kaito laughed, "You're adorable, must be why I like you."

If it was even possible, Shuichi's face flushed even more and he glanced away from Kaito.

"So what do you think about boyfriends?"

Shuichi nodded, still insanely red.

Kaito grabbed Shuichi's chin and turned his face back his way, "Never thought that I'd make somebody like you so flustered. C'mon, I'll walk you back to the dorms."

Grabbing Shuichi's hand, Kaito led him out of the dining hall. The boys walked back to the dorms and said goodnight.

"Wait!" Kaito said as they were about to step into their rooms. He walked over to Shuichi and, again, kissed him, "Have a good sleep."


Lmaoo I'm so embarrassed by how bad this is but yes

Hope u liked or something idk

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