Despair Disease Kaito part 2 lmao

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CW - There will be symptoms of a panic attack, but never directly stated to be one

Hey besties this is part 2 to the previous chapter if u couldn't tell by the title loll

I may have gotten too angsty in this, but that's coming from somebody who cries reading fluff so I mean

This part has slightly more romantic things implied but I don't want to make them date during the killing game because I think we all know how it'll turn out BUT there might be a kiss ;)

Also sorry for any typos, I'm too tired to read over this


Shuichi woke up the next morning next to Kaito. He must've fallen asleep while comforting him. It felt weird sleeping in the same bed as another boy, it wasn't exactly in a bad way though.

The main thing Shuichi should be worried about right now is the fact he slept all night next to somebody with a contagious disease. It was a miracle he hadn't caught the Despair Disease yet, and he probably shouldn't push his luck. Shuichi got out of bed and let out a yawn. Looing at the alarm clock next to Kaito's bed, he saw it was about 20 minutes to the Monokuma Announcement, probably just enough time to get the both of them ready. Oh, that was another thing. With the quick planning of this quarantine, Shuichi hadn't brought any kind of clothing change.

"Kaito wouldn't mind if I went to my room to grab some more clothes, right?" Shuichi muttered to himself.

Kaito was sick after all, he would probably stay asleep for awhile longer. That should give Shuichi time to get back to the room before he woke. Weighing the pros and cons, Shuichi decided to take the risk. He'd just quickly go to his room, grab a few changes of clothes, and head right back like nothing happened.

As he slowly swung the door open and left the room, Shuichi noticed somebody pacing in the lobby. Unfortunately, the person had already noticed him before he could sneak back into Kaito's room.

"Shuichi! What are you doing out?" A familiar voice, which Shuichi immediately recognized as Kiibo's, said.

"Ah, I just needed to grab a few changes of clothes from my room," Shuichi replied.

"I guess Miu and Kokichi didn't tell you," Kiibo sighed, "Angie is requiring us all to stay in our rooms from after the night announcement to before the morning one."

"Angie? why is she making the rules?" Shuichi questioned, it wasn't like the group to follow somebody like her.

"She is the leader of our newfound student council! We're trying to protect everybody!"

"Well, I really shouldn't leave Kaito in his room too long by himself, can I grab some clothes and head back?"

'Of course! Allow me to assist you."

"That's not needed-" Shuichi started, but Kiibo had already grabbed Shuichi's hand and pulled him to his room.

It's not like Shuichi could complain about getting some help, so he unlocked his rom an dthe two collected a few pairs of clothing from the closet

"Thanks Kiibo," Shuichi said.

"It's no problem! I'm always willing to help my friends!" Kiibo smiled at Shuichi, "If you ever get restless stuck in that room please feel free to stop by mine!"

"That hopefully won't be necessary, I wouldn't want to risk anybody else getting the Despair Disease. But thanks for offering Kiibo."

"Of course!" The two walked out of Shuichi's room.

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