The Turf War.

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Emerson POV:
Wow my first turf war. Crap.

Emerson: Well I will see you tommorow.

John: Be there or square.

I fucking hate turf wars. What us the point anyway?

Fiore: So what was that about?

Emerson: I have been informed about an upcoming turf war.

Fiore: Oh really that's awesome!

Emerson: Not to be negative but no its not.

Fiore: Why? You get to battle other hierarchies.

Emerson: Well I just don't see the point.

Fiore: You should be excited! I always wanted to go to one.

Emerson: You could go if you were queen.

Fiore: Well my tier is a 7.1, so that should be enough.

Emerson: You could battle Seraphina right now.

Fiore: I could.

Emerson: What have you got to lose?

Fiore: My courage.

Emerson: Why?

Fiore: Well there is a chance that I'll lose.

Emerson: No you won't.

Fiore: Thanks for the esteem boost but-

Emerson: No you won't actually lose I know it.

Fiore: Uh OK.

Emerson: So are you gonna try?

Fiore: Yeah, After the turf war.

Emerson: Cool.

The Next Day:

At The Turf Area.

John POV:

Sera: You excited John?

John: No, I hate Turf Wars.

Emerson: You and me.

Sera: Yeah I know I don't like them either but we must make sure our school is victorious for Wellston.

Emerson: So are suggesting that we are chess pieces for fucking schools? No thank you.

Sera: But I-

Emerson: You said it, we are just chess pieces for schools' egos.

Sera: Huh.

John: Well the class we are fighting is: NEW BOSTIN?!?!

Emerson: Is that bad?

Sera: That's the school of John's past.

Emerson: Why should you worry? I mean the Royals there probably never met you.

John: Maybe your right.

*royals arrive*

John: ADRION?!

Emerson: What?

John: He, he is my childhood friend! That I betrayed.....

Sera: John its OK.

Emerson: Well I guess he now is the Jack.

John: How did he get from weak to a Jack!

Sera: You went from being a cripple to a King.

John: But I always had a-

Sera: I'm talking about when you were in New Boston!

John: Ohhhh.

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