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Emerson POV:

I feel like shit trying to walk to the fucking boba place again. I'm supposed to meet up with them once I arrive to discuss something about Ember again.


Emerson: Hey, I'm here.

Arlo: Good.

Sera: Hi!

John: *sigh*

Emerson: So what is it?

Arlo: Since you know many of Ember's tricks. We are discussing about how Ember pulled of Joker 2.0 and we thought you could give us some insight.

Emerson: Yeah, I wish.

Sera: You wish?!

Emerson: Ember has always had tricks up their sleeve.

John: Do you know anything about anything they do?

Emerson: There is one, how Ember developed a ability Disabler.

Sera: Wow really? Tell us!

Emerson: OK, a while back, let's say 1990's. The government had an issue with prisoners using their abilities to escape and cause violence. So they hired a team of the best scientists in the nation to create something to deal with this problem, they created an early version of an ability Disabler that only temperarly disabled the ability until the convicted was set free. Time skip to now, Ember decided to beef up these government issued Disablers, thus making a more powerful permanent Disabler, which is what Sera experienced with. So yeah these Disablers have been around for a LONG time.


Emerson: Yeah, the early version.

Sera: Still does not explain Joker 2.0.

Emerson: I have a theory, what if some blood dripped off of John while the whole vigilante fiasco and Ember managed to sample it enough to produce Joker 2.0, that's is the only possible explanation.

Arlo: Hm, it would make sense. *sips coffee*

Sera: Wow, who knows what else they can do?

Emerson: It will get worse if I don't get those last 2 zone emeralds.

John: Don't you find it odd that Ember has not grasped the power of those emeralds?

Emerson: Probably because they are useless unless an Energy Manipulation ability comes into contact.

Sera: So what do we do?

Emerson: Who knows?!

Arlo: Oh no look. *points to TV*

John, Sera and Emerson: What?

Arlo: Vulcan just started using a shit ton of amplifiers on herself, they just now reported this.


Sera: She could burn the whole city down now!

John: It'll be like Blyke said, crisis city.

Arlo: When will all of this happen?

Emerson: Ember will soon make it tyranny, we will all be slaves if something doesn't happen!

Arlo: I never trusted my aunt!

Sera: Wait....what if?

John: What if what?

Sera: They can revive the dead, I mean if they can clone and amp an deamp. They could revive anyone.

Arlo: Rei....

Sera: Exactly! Like Rei!

John: And amp him up too!

Arlo: This will be the end of this world and Ember's New order will arise.

Emerson: We need to find those 2 emeralds or were screwed!

John: So we got a amped up Vulcan, revived high tiers and possibly a Joker 3.0. Great.

Holy shit I was not expecting this!

Arlo: I'm getting up to leave, I have shit to do.

John: Yeah me too.

Emerson: I'm gonna get up and call Fiore.

Sera: OK, then bye everyone! Great talk!

I need to call Fiore, maybe she'll know what to do!

Fiore POV:

Here i am, trying to learn to cool lunch. It'll be a nice supprise for Emerson if he sees I made all of this!


Emerson, why is he calling?

Fiore: Hello?

Emerson: Hey Fi', boy do I have a shit ton to tell you. *tells her everything*

Fiore: Oh shit really?!

Emerson: Yeah, its fucking scary.

Fiore: The only idea for an emerald is that in a castle in some theme park, there is a jewel in the center on display.

Emerson: Why would they put that on display?!

Fiore: Either they don't know what it is or its fake.

Emerson: Uh let me check my bank account.

Fiore: Why?

Emerson: Because we are going to this theme park, getting the emerald.

Fiore: At this point you're pretty much a felon!

Emerson: I won't be once the city is on fire and I'm there to stop it.

Fiore: I wonder what happens when all 7 are linked?

Emerson: Yeah me too.

Fiore: So is it just us?

Emerson: IDK, they others could come. If they bought there own ticket of course, being 15 means I don't have a shit ton of money in my account.

Fiore: That's true. *something is smoking* SHIT GOTTA GO! LOVE YOU!



Emerson: What was all that about? *sigh* I better go book those damn tickets.

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