Jeraphina + Anger

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It happened again.

Xhadow attacked John and Seraphina again while having a date, but for a different purpose, it is unclear though what it is.

Xhadow: Huh, no wonder you two look pathetic.

John: *holding his arm which as multiple cuts on it* W-why?

Xhadow used one of and old Ember device to temporarly disable abilities when in contact. ( It works by acting like a bomb, shooting gas that disables abilities for a while. ) That is why John is not reversing his wound with his girlfriend's ability, Xhadow has been brutally hurting John for an hour while Seraphina watches, helpless.

Sera: Please stop! I'll do anything! Please!

John: Sera no!

Xhadow: That is exactly what I wanted to hear, I need you two for bait.

Seraphina is confused on why they would be bait, before Emerson came along, John and Seraphina were possibly the most powerful people in the world and now they are helpless in this situation with no powers to defend themselves with.

Xhadow POV:

Everything is coming together, once I have them in my captivity, Dr. Orville's plan will be complete and I will finally do my purpose on this Earth!


Xhadow: Are you now? You two are like at the bottom of the top 5, as I said I need you two to attract someone to me.

Sera: *already deciding she will agree* Who?!

Xhadow: Why, the people who are like me.

John stares at Xhadow's eyes, a week ago he was known as Sanderson and was friends with Emerson and Fiore, now he wants to life them and possibly kill them. John thinks about all of this, it was also not too long ago when he was King and Wellston was a normal High School. John starts getting bitter when he realizes that Emerson is the reason why he lives in choas everyday with Seraphina in constant danger.

John: FINE! I'll do it.

Xhadow turns off his powers.

Xhadow: Why so optimistic? Value your life?

John: If you take them two away, Seraphina and I will live in peace!

Sera: John, there our friends!

John: Some friend they are. The only problem at Wellston was my metal issues! That's it! They have destroyed our lives!

Xhadow grins as he leads them away, little do they know, Dr. Orville has already gathered all 7 Zone Emeralds and is ready to destroy the planet but needs additional Energy power. The also don't know that Ember was already planning an attack on Wellston before Emerson came and if he hadn't, Wellston would be in ruins.

30 Minutes Later;

Xhadow puts down the phone, he has just informed Vaughn that John and Seraphina are in a little "Vacation" and would not be attending Wellston for a while, he does this mimicking William Doe's voice. John and Seraphina are locked in a room, luckly a large comfy room at that.

In the cell:

John is tearing up, upset about the thoughts in his head that are not true, his fists are clenched while his shirt is drenched in blood.

John: Why Sera!? Why must we go through this?!

Sera: I don't know, *sigh* Its going to be okay, we'll be out of here soon.

She walks over and holds John's hand and leans her head on him.

John: I busted wanted us to be a happy couple, away from the darkness in the past and now we can't because of that energy idiot.

Sera: We are a happy couple, John, Arlo told me a week before Emerson and Fiore enrolled that Ember has been caught targeting Wellston for 3 years.

John: If so, then why did we have to go through all of that trouble as soon as they came?!

Sera: Fiore was just trying to get by and Emerson knew about Ember already. He was not trying to hurt us.

John: Liars!

John believes he has been betrayed again for the 3rd time but each time, New Boston, Joker Lies and Now are all thoughts in his head. ( That dude need to get some counseling, no offense to her but Sera isn't just going to cut it. )

Seraphina leans over and hugs him, she knows about his PTSD at this point and does whatever she can to help.

Xhadow left the facility unguarded for a reason, you see he thinks the either one of the energy users will come rescue them and he has set traps that will stun them and inform Xhadow of their arrival.

John: *looks out the window* Sanders left?

Sera: I wonder why?

John: Just 3 more hours and we can bust out of here!

Sera: We'll, we've got 3 hours.

John: What to do in the meantime?

Sera: I dunno.

Just then a large red beam zaps through the wall, turns out Xhadow was wrong, Blyke and Asslo came to the rescue.

Blyke: You two OK?!

Sera: Yeah! How'd you find us?

Arlo: Sanderson was dumb enough to tell us where your location was on the hall speaker.

John: So Emerson nor Fiore thought of helping? Selfish.

Sera: What? They've probably have never heard about what happened!

Blyke: Its true, they were not at Wellston this morning.

Arlo: John are you gay, why are you made at a person who has a lot on their hands?

Blyke: His secret lover.

John: Am not! If my ability worked right now I would-

Sera: John, let's go. *grabs his hand and walks him out of there.*

Arlo: Strange that "Shadow" kid locked them up and never guarded them.

Blyke: I thought it was "Xhadow"?

Arlo: Whatever.

The Infirmary;

Darren: YOU AGAIN?!

John: *on the bed* Doc, I really don't have an ability right now, so please cut the crap and give me one of your tonics.


Sera: Its true, Xhadow-I mean Sanderson brutally hurt him!

Darren: Oh shit! I know those abilities are dangerous! *Immediately grabs a tonic*

John: Wow Sera, you changed his mood.

Sera: *sigh* Maybe we should go on dates anymore.

John: Why?! Are we-?

Sera: No, I'm saying for now until we know what happens next.

John: *grabs a tonic from Darren.* Yeah, your right. *sips* Don't wanna die again.

Sera: Well, we don't need to date anymore anyway, I already love you.

John: Yeah, that's true.

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