Chapter 1: prologue

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February 12th, 2025

The world tension has been at all high as the US had ordered a withdrawal of their forces from the middle east and Afghanistan. without any more of the US presence in the middle east and Afghanistan, there is many power vacuum were made. this makes Russia take its chance on exploiting this empty power vacuum.

This was yet a major change, in such a long year. the entirety of the US army got recall back home, as the year of yet peace had arrived under a new administration. this was also meant to end this endless bloody war that turns Afghanistan into a battlefield zone and the same goes with Syria and Iraq as government decisions will least mean to end the war quickly there, and then they will have to solve their own issue all by themselves this time.

But much of this does cause chaos on any wartorn nation, it was yet a worthy action to do, to end this whole endless war. yet this conflict still continues but the fate of these three nations will remain unknown, along with the complete recalling of the entirety of the army back to home, which many of the US forces that are stationing overseas are yet recalled, but embassy guards yet still remain and this international military exercise was halted as for now they are doing yet their own without any cooperation from other countries.

February 18th, 2025

The United state entire border was surrounded by a sort of wall of light and mysterious anomaly that is only affecting it. this anomaly also affects Hawaii and Alaska too. the duration takes around 5 minutes before it disappears. but the anomaly was like a formed of a giant forcefield. within it suddenly they have seen this anomaly looks more foreign and its something they never had seen in their entire life, right in their eyes.

Some in the borders even take their phones to record or take a picture of this entire anomaly. from their perspective, it was like one giant forcefield surrounding the entirety of the United States itself. the appearance looks like it was a forcefield that can be found in sci-fi media that people used to enjoy. while any device near it and anyone in the city was awestruck by its beauty itself appearing in the air. the event was dubbed as the "The Forcefield" since it is very strange how it was large and covering the entirety of the border.

With the events is over, there is something strange yet to happen. the sun looks different from the view along with the atmosphere of the planet itself, but people yet still able to breathe the oxygen. yet it still looks like a blue sky as the forcefield anomaly has ended, but the sun itself was different than the one from Earth itself.

After the event of the anomaly which I the forcefield, many people used to call it. There is a loss in communication between other nations, satellites, and anything yet link to planet earth itself. this makes TV, Internet, and contact with other countries outside the US lost. yet contact with Hawaii and Alaska is still online, while any other outside the US is pretty much gone, due to the anomaly that transported them into a whole new world.

Yet checking for world map ended up becoming unavailable, which of course means that this anomaly had truly transported them, yet into a different unrecognizable world. yet this too causes mass confusion, but later on, there is a new satellite going to be launched this year according to NASA and SpaceX. which later on could fix the problem as the internet and signals of communication, TV broadcast and radar will be back online anytime soon when that satellite is in orbit, which could calm the public down for a moment.

The southern border, formerly known as the US-Mexico border.

1400 hours

Meanwhile on the border that used to formerly be between US-Mexico. the border guards see the environment yet stranger. it's not unusual at all, the soil looks like it was from mars and the plant's colors are red and light green. plus the grass is all orange colored. what the border guard had seen in their eyes that the environment is pretty much unusual.

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