Chapter 3: the meeting

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The White House, Washington DC.

February 22th 2025

1200 hours

In the meeting room, President Emily Potts is gathering everyone on the meeting which one that had found much of the evidence. many yet gathered on the meeting as the evidence that the United States now is transported into another habitable planet.

Because of how the panic goes on yesterday has been stabilized. the southern border is ordered by the President is to secure tightly as the environment there is far foreign and there could be possibly a dangerous threat could come from it, which is something that should not reach the border of the United States of America.

The news of the entirety of the USA got transported to another habitable planet, spread like a wildfire, as there is much yet evidence that reinforces it. first, the wildlife, which some fisherman had reported that the specimen of the fish they capture looks like it was not native either to earth as they look very alien. second is the southern US border, formerly known as the US-Mexico border, which has changed and looks very foreign in the eyes of the border guards. along with the encounter of a strange reptilian being with six-legged that run as fast as a cheetah which confused the border guard.

These many pieces of evidence and images of the environment of the southern border are far more than enough to reinforce the event that the anomaly had transported the entirety of the USA into another habitable planet yet shocked everyone. Now realizing things has changed, many are curious about whats in their new home are and what to do, but it took much effort to calm the situation which makes everyone do their normal activity and suggested not to go to the beach due to the sea monster species roaming around and outside of the southern border, but border to Alaska is always open for everyone to go across on.

Meanwhile in Hawaii, after getting back the contact on Hawaii, the President knew that the danger of it as the sigh of sea monster creatures on the coast of the US could be very threatening to anyone near the coast. as those species had made their presence there, as evidence of video being uploaded to youtube and picture being posted to social media as a warning.

The current location of Hawaii is still not far between the range of it to California, which is by plane it might take 4 hours to arrive there now, rather than the original distance which took around 5 hours and 40 minutes. seeing how small is Hawaii and how many of the US navy were stored there. along with it a new order for anyone in Hawaii is to stay away from the beach till further notice due to the dangerous sea monster that might roam around in the ocean, as there is news about how the United States got transported to another planet with a piece of very convincing evidence make many panicked due to this new planet might contain new types of wildlife that roamed around the planet itself.

Before sending the army to the southern border to do a recon mission. President Potts had the security council and NASA called on for a meeting. in this meeting, NASA will be the one who will be playing the role as there are many to explain about this new planet and its parent's star. but there are other matters to discuss then like resources and security along with recon mission, where the US army is going to be sent on Lumbria for an expedition.

"Now please give me a report everyone, how is the nation holding up and what are your new discovery that you managed to find on this new planet?" President Potts asked.

"So report that we are transported into another planet. by the look of it, from photos, video and encountered by fellow citizens. an extra what the border guards managed to get on the Southern border, which is formerly known as the US-Mexico border seems to be strange, the environment looks very alien, which is now according to NSA transmission that has been intercepted, which was the nearest, according to those alien it was called Lumbria. which is now border within the United States in the southern part. plus the map for this planet what they called it Barasoom." Dr.Edward Dawson said, about some of the reports.

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