Chapter 6: The City of Khachesqa

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En route to Khachesqa city

February 24th, 2672

2000 hours.

nighttime has arrived, yet this recon is not going to be lasting around a day. after spending such long hours of the trip, which the tharks had led them. the journey is almost near that, it may take them around 4 more hours just to arrive there, which the tharks just set the map for them. due to how far this goes. and yet a day on this planet is around 27 hours, which also gives them enough time, along with extra time to sleep, for the next day.

The time has changed, as the earth calendar is now abandoned and it was switch to this current time on Barasoom. since they cannot believe that the United States is transported into another planet, but also they were transported far into the future, which gives them shocked. even Dr.John wanted to know how the earth would look likes now in the year 2672, since this is very far into the future, and he could already know humanity has already reached the stars.

Dr.John managed to get enough evidence for him to return later on, like videos, pictures, and samples of the species that he managed to discover. along with the most important one is the pictures and video about the natives of this planet. he had some quest before returning back to the US, as he will need to visit this city, along with these 7 tharks come from, which is what they told that they will lead the way to a city named Khacesqa.

According to the tharks this city was known to be a trading place, and an outpost, yet this city was large, according to them. this city was founded by a stranded species from what they say is their name is the Cuvoits. from what I get again is that these 7 tharks used to visit this city for trades and other. this city does serve as a checkpoint too for travelers according to the tharks, as some other aliens or the cuvoits recharge themselves there, as they say, there are many foods, resting place and much parking place for vehicles and mount, along with utility stores that sell things like maintenance part, along with repair do exist there.

The journey towards that city is still far from there, as what it said, this city is near the coastal area of Lumbria. which the roads are now back on a sigh, but this road seems to be paved. by the look of it, the color of it was grey. which also proves that the road looks organized when the JLTV and the tharvosaur begin to go to the path. but when the green sign which leads to Kachesqa said it still further, as going to a coastal area still further.

While looking at the window, the road begins to look more like a highway, with many sceneries of the orange soil that was filled with vegetation and some friendly wildlife roaming around the place, along with rivers in the area. yet this was a sigh tour while looking at the road. yet the sigh that leads them almost come to near to the arrival.

"Looks like we managed to find this city. guess we almost arrive anytime soon. sure those aliens help us to find a way to this city." a JLTV driver said as he managed to see the city from afar, as it was visible. this was a sigh of relief that they were arriving anytime soon.

"good hope those people will help us on interacting with these new alien species since they might see us as another one of Elon Musk sympathizers just like the previous one. this sure to scare me much on seeing this situation, because our goal here is to make friendly contact with the aliens around this planet." a US soldier said as he begins to get nervous that these aliens will shoot them because of how humans are all a bunch of Elon Musk sympathizer in their eyes.

"I just hope we could least find relaxation and take a break on that city. maybe we could report our finding later on. along with it, I could try having a talk with these aliens, since the natives were sure to already know how to speak English. the mission still continues, but we might have a limited time due to the government want the data anytime soon maybe." Dr.John said while looking at the city from the JLTV window. which the range was far, yet he sees that they are still there and nearly arrived at the city, along with it there is street light on the road which gives the driver an easier direction on where this city is located.

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