Chapter 36

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"Esmund!" He spun hearing Irene's calls the sounds of death and chaos all around him. Adrenaline was pushing him keeping him on edge. A sharp edge.

"IRENE!" His voice boomed and anyone near him could see the the way his eyes filled with light, bright startling blue.

"Oh no you dont esmund" A much deeper voice hissed in retaliation and he turned filling sadness and anger fill him.

"Shad" He growled readying his sword "Cut to it. Why do this! WHY fight us!" He raised the sword to strike at him but Shad blocked it grinning something mad in his eyes. Esmund backed away holding the sword protectively on guard.

"Because. I believed I could be like you all. I was wrong. I'm the destroyer. There was never any hope to be anything else. And I'm going to start with her" The madman grinned in mirth.

"Dont you dare!" He snapped swinging again as Shad blocked it and he tried again.

And again and again. It went on as he tried desperately to out do the former divine warrior gritting his teeth. In truth he knew he was starting to tire and he could only hope one of the others would be there soon. Shad couldn't fight both of them off.

"Face the music Esmund. I will kill her. I will kill all of you and I will make this very planet ash beneath my feet." Shad crowed another wide grin on his face as he started to swing.

Esmund panicked eyes flashing with light as he tried to block it realizing too late that Shad was feinting. Shad spun the sword switching last second the hilt getting esmund right between his eyes and he choked. The next thing he felt was that very sword burying itself in his chest as his eyes went wide.


He knew he recognized the voice but he couldn't tell any longer who it was. His gaze was only fixed on Shad who grinned as he tried to hold on the sword hoping to buy more time.

"Shad . . . I had hope in you" He whispered as Shad looked taken aback for a moment. "But the Shad I knew is gone, and all that's left is you" He choked tears spilling as the self proclaimed shadow lords face hardened.

He kicked him back hard holding onto the sword and Esmund screamed at that as he felt his back hit the ground. He tried to move but it wasn't working and the relic flickered beginning to stop.

Shad kneeled eyes cold as he put a hand on his chest. His eyes deepened becoming glowing red pits as Esmund gasped eyes turning brilliant blue once again feeling the relic beginning to separate.

"No. . . no" He whispered it to himself feeling himself becoming weaker and weaker. Esmund choked before focusing his eyes on the battle field. They finally met the ones he was looking for and he wanted to sob.

Not today Shad. Old friend.

Esmund hissed as he fought letting the relic heal as much as possible the energy burning as he grabbed Shads hand.

"Why try" He hissed getting his his face spittle flying from the words as he winced. "Your going to die and that relic will be mine"

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