On hold until hopefully March

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So hey. My life has been crazy . . . I would like to say im gonna work on chapters but same old song same old dance.

So I'm gonna go on a Break just until the first sunday in March. I will HOPEFULLY GET WRITING DONE AS WELL AS PLANNING OUT THE SECOND HALF OF IT ALL

Either way I will work on it! Hopefully gonna get work done, I'm planning on it.

I do sincerely apologize for making you guys wait, it isn't my intention I don't do it for views or something stupid like that. I don't want to put out stuff that I don't like I wanna give you guys the best.

I am for sure working on it all day tomorrow! So There will be stuff done tomorrow at least

Again I sincerely apologize and love you guys. Your all amazing and I do appreciate the support I do have

Keep being amazing guys!

-Sincerely Chas

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