Another update AKA HOLIDAYS SUCK

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Well uh . . Awkward.

So uh another schedule change about again my lack of ability to be able to focus and HOLIDAYYYYSSS~

Long story short I will be uploading within sometime this week 4 new chapters for November. AND 2 MORE for the month of December.

I've decided to miss the next few weeks after that and sort of take a break. Normally I feel like I've got my ADHD/Anxiety/Depression kicked but I've been doing a bit (A GOOD MILE OR TWO) of a backslide and I don't know why but I do need to work on that issue and focus on the holidays.

I'm very sorry about the lack of progress and I sincerely apologize for the wait. I hate it when I become like this and it's really not fair to you guys. You all (The few I know read this lol) deserve to have this updated and to enjoy it and It's not right to vanish and make you wait.

But as always

I do hope your guys holidays go extremely well, and you all have a wonderful wonderful Christmas and new years. Celebrate family and hold them close. :3

Stay safe warm and kick depression in the rear out there guys!

-Chas (Didnt feel like fangirl tonight)

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