Chapter 14

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"Z-Zane?" Kawaii~Chan knocked quietly her voice worried as Zane took a shocked breath shaking his head. Finally the raven hued boy whispered a soft reply to come in as she opened the door. Her face was filled with regret and Zane saw tears in her eyes and immediately all thought of being betrayed by her was gone.

He opened his arms and Kawaii chan fell into him and again he got the feeling this was the only place she felt safe as she relaxed slightly. She started crying slightly and his hands stroked her backside comforting her letting her tears fall.

"It's okay. . ." Zane whispered softly "I-I get it . . .I know why"

"I-I'm scared Zane" She choked out shaking her head "I-I'm . . . I'm getting headaches something is coming, I don't want to be a part of it"

Zane fell silent lost in his thoughts at her words. Echoes of Laurence's words about Vylad came back and he closed his eyes hugging her closer feeling sadness and grief seize his heart.

"I'm pretty sure Vylad didn't either . . . but he didn't let it stop him from helping and doing what was right by the people he loved" Zane murmured as she halted before slowly lethargically pulled back looking up at him. Her bright citrine eyes were sparkling and glassy from tears and Zane felt himself fall in love all over again as he gaze a sad smile.

"How do you know things will be okay . . . . W-What if . . .what if Shad comes back . . . ." She whispered softly.

"I don't know . . . . all I want is Gene . . . but if it comes down to it and your wrapped up in it . . . .I'll be by your side through it all . . . even if the world ends" He said softly hugging her close relishing the feel of her in his arms as she curled into him, a perfect fit.

"Zane . . . . .The . . . the other relics . . .  do . . .do you think other people are attached like I am . . ." She murmured softly giving a small smile with a hiccup as she wiped away her own tears.

"I don't know . . . maybe they are . . . we could maybe use that" He murmured smiling pressing his nose into her neck as she giggled slightly at the sensation "I ever tell you how much I love you Nana . . ."

"You say it in more than words all the time" Kawaii~Chan whispered softly nodding her eyes shining with more than tears this time as she kissed his cheek and Zane smiled.

It was all ruined when there was a knock at the door and Zane looked up as well as Kawaii~Chan as Garroth suddenly poked his head in sheepishly. Immediately Zane's anger came back from earlier and he scowled at him

"I wanted to talk . . . Zane. To talk with you about earlier"


Kawaii~Chan paused before looking up at Zane with a small smile as she squeezed his hand. Zane didn't take his gaze off of Garroth who shifted in the doorway nervously.

"Why should I?" He asked coldly "Give me a good reason to and maybe I'll consider it."

"Because we've been through too much, to let this keep coming between us" Garroth said softly his features' softening "Please brother . . . . I want to talk . . . ."

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