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"Abraxas, you throw a mean punch," Sirius groaned, holding ice on his wound.

"I really do apologize Sirius," Abraxas said sincerely, "I promise there was a good reason for it."

Sirius and Abraxas were both healing exceptionally well since the fight, thanks to Madam Pomfrey. I knew that once they were healed I had to get Abraxas to apologize to Sirius, even if his pride told him not to. At first, Sirius was hesitant to accept his apology but, despite putting on a tough act, he wasn't holding a grudge. It almost made me concerned about how not angry Sirius was. I seldom see him angry. Maybe he's broken?

"And that reason is...?" Sirius asked for what felt like the millionth time.

"If we didn't tell you then, why would we tell you now?" I asked rhetorically to which Sirius mumbled complaints under his breath. Abraxas sent me a grateful look and I smiled back at him, winking.

In actuality, Abraxas asked that I don't tell Sirius what Tom had said to him.

"You don't understand what he's capable of, Alexa. It's best to just leave it be."

Of course, that only made a thousand more questions pop into my mind but, as it always seemed when Tom Riddle was involved, Abraxas simply couldn't tell me. Their relationship was certainly an odd one. It was a friendship I just couldn't understand even if I tried to. Despite only seeming to cause trouble for him, Abraxas seemed to actually look up to Tom, though I'm not sure why. Abraxas never cared much for academic achievement and power so that wasn't on my mind, but what else was there?

The club.

I quickly shut down the thought, burying any notion that my brother was involved with something unsavoury.

"Alright," Sirius said, "fine. Just know that next time, Malfoy, I won't go easy on you."

"I'm not sure," Abraxas grinned, "your punches were pretty weak, mate."

Sirius shot up, ready to strike before constricting in pain and falling back down to his seat. I chuckled at him a bit, patting his shoulder. "You'll get him next time, lion."

"Anyways," my brother said, standing up from his spot at the table, "I really am sorry, Sirius, I mean it from the bottom of my heart but," his voice lowered as he leaned down to Sirius' ear, whispering something I couldn't hear.

"You have no reason to worry about something like that," Sirius said earnestly, his grey eyes full of conviction, "I would never try to hurt Alexa intentionally."

"Good," Abraxas grinned at us, already starting to walk away.

"Hey, I mean it Malfoy! Next time I'll kick your arse!" I laughed as Abraxas walked away without another word, obviously ignoring Sirius. Sirius shook his head, taking a large sip of his drink. He let out a refreshed sigh, looking over at me. "You really won't tell me?"

"Abraxas was pretty firm about it," I shrugged, eyes glancing over to Tom Riddle. He sat where he normally did, surrounded by his friends. I watched as Abraxas took a seat next to him, a smile on his face as he began to talk animatedly with the group. Tom didn't even glance at Abraxas, reading a book as he almost always seemed to be doing. "I don't quite understand it myself."

"You Malfoys are so strange," Sirius remarked, "maybe I better stay away from you lot."

"Please," I laughed, wrapping my arm around his, "I don't think I could get rid of you if I tried, Pads."

"Yeah, no," he kissed my cheek, "you can't."

"Mr. Black!" Professor Slughorn suddenly appeared in front of us, a disappointed look on his face, "I have told you numerous times you cannot sit at the Slytherin table just because you feel like it!"

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