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When the Master had spent the night with Pierre, he studied his behavior. Not that he hadn't done the same with the rest of the men so far. It was simply a different experience from the others.

Pierre's behavior was a bit exceptional and peculiar, so much it needed extra attention.

He understood being shy but the French man was clearly conflicted by something that ran deeper. He left it at that because he wasn't one to meddle in things that didn't concern him.

Feelings... ugh.

He noticed the way Pierre avoided his eyes. There weren't really many people who could hold his gaze and look him directly in the eye for a long time but Pierre went out of his way to avoid anywhere near his face.

A constant blush was evident on his features throughout the entire ordeal. In all sense of the matter, he acted like he was in an interrogation.

"Are you scared of me?" the Master asked and Pierre shrunk further. As if his voice was a grenade, limited only to a pin and waiting to explode.

"N-not necessarily," he replied in a thick French accent, words laced in uncertainty with the littlest undertones of fear.

"Hmm..." said the Master.

He noticed that Pierre had gripped the pillow in his hand tighter. For some reason the intensity of the situation had just doubled for the other man, just because he'd spoken a few words.

The Master cocked his head.

"Why did you sign that paper? I know you don't want to be here."

He didn't need an affirmation that his words were true, he knew they were. Pierre's body language screamed it all out.

"I don't know," he replied.

"Nice try," he said and ran a finger down the man's stiff back. "I'm not the one to lie to, and besides, sooner or later I find out everything."

Almost nothing escaped the Master's eye. Ever. He noticed everyone and everything. Their little quirks, the tiny body movements nobody thought were important, but actually told way more about a person.

Over the years, he'd told all there was to a person just but analysing the little reactions they or their bodies made to the things he'd said.

The movement of a finger, the quickening of a breath, a slight withdrawal of a hand or a subtle aversion of a gaze. Every single thing was important. And now Pierre was giving out too much.

"I- okay I- err..." he watched Pierre struggle to find the words. "A-alright I signed it for the money."

"Really? The money, that's all?" The Master asked with what could almost pass as a scoff.

"Oui," Pierre nodded, as if convincing himself of it only just now. "That's all."

The Master got between the sheets next to Pierre, touching him with skillful hands. His skin was soft under his touch as he squeezed the smoothness lightly.

Pierre gasped, quite shocked at the onslaught. He still wouldn't turn his head to look at the Master even if he kept on pulling closer.

A hand went over to tighten itself over Pierre's stomach, it was almost like they were spooning. He wanted to break away, move off the bed, anything but those hands touching him there.

Seconds later, he felt a hot breath against the shell of his ear, then teeth grazed his lobe and he heard a word whispered in his ear.


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