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So it's not exactly right but I found Tadashi. (Well the one that lives in my mind)

Also, please imagine him in any way you'd prefer.


Alexander was on the road with Tadashi behind the wheel.

"How about it?" Alexander asked. "I could have the summerhouse ready for you guys, it's perfect. He needs a break, his siblings definitely need a break."

Tadashi was already shaking his head. "Absolutely not, I see what you're trying to do–"

"What?" He asked. What did Tadashi really think he was doing?

The car came to a stop and Tadashi got out, Alexander followed suit.

They had arrived at Noah's house. Alexander decided it was the perfect time for it. He had a few wrongs to right with apologies to his family, hopefully it all went well.

"You might be the wealthiest man I know," said Tadashi. "But don't forget I'm not fazed by it. It's not exactly cheap to run around making sure your coattails don't touch the floor. What do you think you've been paying me? Pebbles?"

Tadashi wasn't even sure why this argument had come up. Alexander just wouldn't stop being persistent.

"I want to do this on my own accord, I'll court him on my own terms," said Tadashi.

"Court?" Alexander asked. "What is this, the 1600s?" Alexander asked.

"At least one of us is trying to do this the right way," replied Tadashi.

Alexander put him in a headlock and squeezed. "You fucking idiot," he said.

Tadashi laughed and he laughed too. He let him go. It was weird behavior between them, but it felt good, normal even.

"This isn't about money if you see past your pride," Alexander said. "Why can't I do something nice for you?"

Tadashi stopped at that, but he didn't think much of it. He made up his mind. "No," he said finally.

"Why not?"

"Because I'm going to do it myself," he replied.

"That is hardly an answer," replied Alexander. "Fine, I'll let you think about it."

Tadashi wanted to strangle him. He might have done it, but he stopped approaching Alexander when he saw Eden walking towards them.

The look on his face was uncertainty, eyes clouded in confusion as he kept coming closer. He was probably confused because as far as he knew, Alexander wanted nothing to do with him.

Tadashi cleared his throat and Alexander turned and finally saw him.

He walked towards Eden to meet him halfway.

"Alexander?" He said unsurely.

"Hi Eden," he said, not quite able to look him in the eye. "Uhh..."

"Are you here to see me?" Eden asked cautiously. "My parents?"

"Well, yes and yes," he said. "But I want to talk to your parents first...if that's okay."

"Of course," Eden replied, it looked like longing in his eyes. He barely even noticed Tadashi. He looked so sad.

He walked him to the house. Alexander knew the house well enough, but he let Eden lead him to one of the living rooms.

"I'll go fetch them," he said and Alexander nodded.

It didn't take more than five minutes and his parents were in the room.

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