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It had been weeks since anyone had stepped foot in the mansion. Anyone meant Alexander and his men. Not the thousands of strange faces they were currently seeing.

Zel was already everywhere.

There were a lot more people at the house than they originally were. Zel almost didn't recognize anyone.

He walked back and hugged Alexander like he was shy. "There's so many people," Zel whispered.

"Don't worry princess they're only fixing a few things around the house," replied Alexander. "Well, some of them."

"Oh," Zel cheered up. "Okay." He climbed up the stairs before anyone else.

Pierre laughed at Zel's quickness to let the matter go.

"Where do you think you're going?" The Master asked and Zel stopped in his tracks.

He was walking in the direction of his old room, probably out of habit. It had better be out of habit.

"What?" He asked innocently.

Alexander couldn't tell whether it was intentional or not. "That way," he pointed to the opposite side, where his room was.

Zel kept walking anyway.

He screamed when he was suddenly lifted off the ground and over Alexander's shoulders.

"Put me down Daddy!" He giggled.

"No, you're having so much trouble finding our room, I'll just have to take you there myself," he said while swatting Zel's bottom once.

Zel yelped and felt his cheeks flame. Especially since he wasn't used to being under the scrutiny of so many eyes.

The bed was a little bigger when they got to the room. A shame, because he loved how they'd all squeezed together that night.

Besides, Alexander's body was a comfortable bed too, he could use that every time they needed more room, which seemed unlikely.

The house looked a little different but Zel couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly, it was like there were small changes everywhere but at the same time, he couldn't see them.

When he got to the library, it was definitely different. The fact that an entire section was dedicated to the books he liked. An entire section.

When had Alexander done that?

Zel couldn't keep still, he dashed out of the room to find him.

He bumped into someone and immediately fell to the floor, stunned for a little bit.

"I'm sorry," Zel apologized immediately he saw her on the floor just like him.

She was beautiful and young, her pigtails expertly done falling on each side of her shoulders. She looked so young. Way younger than Zel.

"I'm Zel," he said. "What's your name?" He wondered if she was one of the people making changes in the house.

"Greta, sir," she said.

Zel got up and helped her up. "Uh... call me Zel, sir is just weird," he giggled.

She had a kind, friendly smile. "The Master said to treat you exactly like we treat him, we always call him sir, that is unless he's being an idiot and you just have to get a point across–"

She looked horrified, but she didn't have to.

Sure, if it wasn't for how fondly she spoke of Alexander, then he'd have a big problem with it. But it was okay, she even sounded kind.

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