10- Moments Before

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Setting the blade down on the table, I turned back to the greenette chained down in front of me.

Wet, green eyes countered the flushed complexion that was slowly fading back to its natural pale; disheveled hair framing it all. Blood slowly dripped down his arms and into his palms, resulting in it smearing onto a variety of places. 

It was quite a pitiful sight as always, and a change of clothes will be in order before I return to the room. “That will be all for today, I'll see you again.”

Midoryia spat out blood and let out a breathy laugh, giving the usual bright smile, “Done already? You were all over me just a moment ago..."

I waved a dismissive hand at him and fixed my shirt, tucking it back into place. As usual, he continued to talk.

"You're just mad I was with someone before you, huh? We both know he’s lying. He was just jealous of us and blindsided you.”

I stared down at them and hummed softly. I kneeled in front of them, caressing his face gently, “It was difficult having to put up with you.”

Green eyes closed and he smiled as he leaned into the touch, “Whatever do you mean?”

“Oh, my love...Do you honestly believe I would let you be so close to me without looking into you? I know everything about you.” I tightened my hold on his face, digging my nails into freckled skin, “What you did to my sweet kitten, you should be executed for.”

Letting go of his face, I stood back up and wiped off my hands, “Honestly, I should be thanking you for your efforts. You allowed me to be his hero. I'll admit, it took some time. I was even starting to lose my patience. But then you came along and threw him off the balcony.”

I chuckled softly at the memory, “It was a shame to see him in such pain. And then I had to put him asleep for a while before I did something rash. When I let him awake, however, it was well worth the wait. I knew then that he was mine.”

Dropping the towel on the table with the blade, I headed towards the door, “From one pursuer to another, I thank you Midoryia. You've arranged the pieces beautifully.”

Pushing open the door as I glanced over my shoulder at the greenette. The smile was gone, and it was truly a beautiful sight. 

“If you'll excuse me, I have another I must visit before returning to my kitten.”

The door closed behind me as he started to scream for my return. 

Sighing softly at the satisfying sound, I fixed my tie as I turned down the hall. It was quiet down here given how little occupants remained. The sound of my shoes against the stained floor echoed in the nearly empty hall. I stopped in front of the familiar room. Staring at the door, it took a moment to steel myself. Rolling my shoulders back and standing straighter, I pushed open the door to reveal a once feared man now just barely hanging onto life. 

His head lifted slowly as a scarred face came into view. He grunted and started to stand.

I held up a hand to stop him before shrugging off my jacket, “It's alright. I just wish to talk today.”

Hanging my jacket over the back of the metallic folding chair, I let myself sink into it. I moved the hair from its place in front of my eyes to look at my first resident of the basement, “Now… shall we begin, father?”

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