16. Advice

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“He's immature.”


“He doesn't listen.”


“He acts like I don't do anything for him.”


“And I’m so pent up I feel like my dick is going to explode.”


“Wow, You must be pent up if you're using the word dick.” Natsuo chuckled as he stepped from his place of holding the punching bag, rotating his shoulder in the process. “If he bothers you that much then why don't you dump him back into his middle class life?”

I sighed softly and blew the hair out of my face as I started unwrapping my hands, ‘I can't do that. Not after how long I've been looking for him."

I only got a hum in response and looked at him, “Why does he act this way?”

“You're not exactly nice to the poor boy. He's been dragged from his home; locked in a room everyday; nearly had his life taken from him, what, three times now? And you've gotten him a cake and a rabbit.” He finished off his reasons with a empathy chuckle and shook his head, “Not to mention you snap at him, a lot.”

I groaned softly when I realized he was right. "Fine, fne. Any ideas?”

“Yeah, actually. He likes the garden. Aizawa says he's always looking at it. How about a picnic?”

I wiped off my face with a towel and hummed at the thought, “That could work…”

“You could also, I don't know, apologize?”

Looking back at him for a long moment before he shrugged a bit, “Just a thought.” 

He shook his head and waved as he started to leave the gym, “I'll leave the rest to you. Good luck on repairing your relationship.”

I hummed softly and looked away as I made my way to the showers.

 Perhaps he had a point. Maybe I should  make it up to him. Dinner and some drinks in the garden. That sounds like something he’d like to do. Maybe find a way we could work out our frustrations.

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