1. "Is that my shirt?" "You mean our shirt?"

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Nightmare walked down the hallway of the castle, heading to a certain room - Error's. He has been a tiny bit worried about his glitchy boyfriend. He hasn't come out of his room even once today, or at least he didn't see him do that. Of course that he wanted to check on him earlier, but he has been particularly busy today and he also knew that Error liked his privacy, some days more then others, so he didn't want to interrupt him if that was the case.

Now however he was done and he simply needed to see if everything was okay. Privacy was one thing, but Error tended to isolate if he had any problem, instead of asking Nightmare for help, which he would gladly provide.

Standing in front of the right door he leaned closer to listen for any sounds, but nothing was heard. He was hoping to get some indication of the situation, but that obviously didn't seem to be the case. He slowly opened the door, silently hoping that Error was there.

He stepped inside and at first glance he saw that the room was dark, however he didn't see any presence, until he turned and looked at the bed, relaxing with a sigh. Error was there, almost fully under the covers and seemed to be soundly asleep.

He came closer and sat down on the edge of the bed, putting his hand on Error's skull starting to stroke it lovingly and slowly. He didn't want to wake him-

A yawn.


Nightmare quickly retreated his hand, but Error was already awake and rubbing his sleepy eyes, trying to get a hanging of the situation.

"Nghh...Night?" He asked spotting the skeleton sitting next to him.

"Yes it's me, sorry for waking you up, I didn't mean to."

"It's alright." Error said with some remaining yawns and sat more upright, the quilt sliding down a bit and that's when Nightmare saw.

"Is that my shirt?"

Error looked surprised for a while, until he looked down at himself. Oh yeah, he did put it on before going to sleep.

"You mean our shirt?" He asked as 'innocently' as he could. To be honest he was almost sure that his boyfriend didn't mind, it wasn't the first time that he borrowed his clothes after all. Without asking. He just liked them, they were big on him, warm and comfy. Especially perfect for sleeping.

Nightmare chuckled. "I see that you fully decided that my clothes are yours too?"

Error covered his cheeks with the quilt and nodded bashfully. "You...don't mind right?"

"Of course not, you look beyond cute in them." He said smugly, grabbing the coverlet and uncovering Error's blush, who quickly hid his face in his hands.

"...Thanks." He mumbled quietly, his voice muffled.

A proud look showed itself on Nightmare's face as he rubbed glitch's back.

"Anyway, how come you are sleeping at this time? Y'know it's daytime, right? It's not that I mind, but it's a bit unexpected." Well that was an understatement. It was very unexpected. After getting out of the anti-void Error needed actual sleep, but not being used to it, at first he only slept when exhaustion knocked him out. Eventually through hard work and a whole lot of convincing, he got used to sleeping at night like other monsters. This alone was a big success, but he was too sleep deprived for that to be enough. Nightmare tried to get him to sleep throughout the day sometimes, or at least take a nap or two, but he refused.

Error leaned into the touch. "...I just felt really tired today for some reason. Like a wave of tirendess suddenly came over me, so after some time I decided to go back to bed, y'know, after finding your shirt and stuff..." He answered hesitantly, he was reluctant about all of this. After all, before he had been claiming all the time that he didn't want to sleep when he doesn't have to, but today the idea of sleeping during the day sounded really, really appealing.

"Well obviously you felt tired. I told you that you need a lot of sleep." Nightmare frowned at him, whilst not stopping moving his hand. He smiled softly after a moment. "But I'm glad that you finally decided to do something about it." He praised.

Hearing these words Error gave a small smile of his own and looked down at his hands. They sat in comfortable silence for a minute, before another yawn disturbed it.

"I reckon that you would like to go back to bed?" Nightmare asked as Error seemingly tried to fight another yawn.

The glitching skeleton looked at the other. While he did want to sleep, seeing his lover now made him really want to spend some time with him. "Yeaaaaah, I guess I do, but um..."

Nightmare nodded reassuringly.

"Can I at least get a hug?" He asked quietly.

The question made Nightmare smile, as a thought came to his head. "You know what? I've got an even better idea."

Error rose a brow, but wasn't given the possibility to ask him about it, as Nightmare gestured to him to move closer to the side. He did so and slipped under the covers comfortably, already feeling the sleepiness overwhelming him, but he managed to keep his eyes open to see Nightmare tucking himself in next to him.

"Night what are you-" He was cut off as the said skeleton hugged him to his chest.

"You wanted to sleep and a hug, right? Now you can have two of those at the same time." Nightmare chuckled bringing him closer and once again taking in the sight of Error in his black shirt. He really loved seeing him in his clothes, he was so adorable wearing them. Well, to be honest he always was.

"I- are you sure that you want to stay here with me? You don't have to..." Error got comfortable in the strong hold, as his eyes began to close. He remembered how at first he didn't care at all how the bed he was sleeping in was or how it looked, but he learned to love the fact how comfortable and big it was. Enough for both of them to fit and still have more then needed room for themselves. Despite of what he said, he really hoped that he would stay.

"Of course, I don't know if I will be able to fall asleep in the middle of the day, but if I get bored I can just grab a book or something." Nightmare opened a small portal to the library to confirm his words. "Don't you worry and get some sleep. You need it." He kissed Error's forehead affectionately.

Error yawned, basking in his lover's warmth and comfort. "Okay. Thank you." He said with a small smile on his face, as he gradually fell more and more tired and finally into the dreamland.

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