3. "You're everything I could've wanted and more."

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"…So, um… I… I wanted to say that you're the most important person in my life and will always be. I know that our first meeting was less than pleasant and at that moment I would have laughed if someone told me that we would become an actual couple, but it happened and-and I couldn't be happier. You made my life better and I hope I did the same to you… I'm also sure that I never want to end what we have."

He saw the ring. He wanted it. The fact that he kneeled down didn’t help.

"You're everything I could've wanted and more, so… will you marry me?"

With every spoken word he could slowly feel tears gathering in his eyesockets. He needed so badly to let them flow, but he couldn't, at least not now, maybe later, just… not… now. 

"So… what do you think?" Nightmare asked nervously. It wasn't often one could see him this openly stressed about something, but this was one hell of a special occasion.

"It's really good." Error answered, barely gulping down spite in his voice, which made the sentence sound kind of dishonest. "I mean, it sounds great and appropriate, not too sophisticated to sound like you're reciting from memory and not focusing on what you're actually feeling, but still special and like you have put thought into it."

With that, some of Nightmare's stress melted down.

"Since when do you know this much about romance?" He chuckled in relief, nudging his friend in the side.

"I don't really… I'm just saying what I think." Error plastered a smile onto his face. "Look, I'm sure that Killer will love it, no matter what you say. As long as it's you, he will say yes, I'm sure of it" He coughed awkwardly. "Anyway, I should go, I kinda need to take care of something."

"Yeah, something like crying."

"Already? You know that you can stay, right? Once everyone returns we will all help Horror to make some cake he mentioned. You can stay at least for the dessert." Nightmare prompted him, surprised by his sudden departure, even if lately he has been visiting less and less often. And as much as the goopy skeleton didn't want to pressure him, he also wanted Error to know that he is always welcomed.

"Sorry, but it’s rather urgent, maybe next time…"

"Okay, I won't keep you here with force." Nightmare assured, but as Error started opening his portal back to Anti-void, he suddenly leaped forward and hugged his friend, making him jump. Then again, recently the other has been really jumpy around him.


"Listen, thank you. Even if everything comes out fine and Killer agrees-."

"He will, believe me." Error interrupted and looked him in the eyes, a serious expression on his face. "Who wouldn’t?" He added in is mind.

"Right." Nightmare exhaled. "Still, when that happens I just want you to know that you will be still important to me, as well as the rest of my friends, ok?"

"Shit, shit, shit." He needed to get out of there, or something will happen, something that he will regret for the rest of his life.

"Thanks, but I really, really need to go now, ok?" Error hurried with his words and got out of Nightmare’s arms, but when he was halfway through his portal he turned around. "And don't forget to tell me when you finally propose, I wanna congratulate both of you." These last words were really hard to get out of his throat, but he managed. 

"I will, just give me a day or two." Nightmare uttered as he bid Error goodbye, who just gave him a rushed nod and left.

After that, the guardian of negativity stayed in place for a while. He felt that tangled mess of emotions from Error. His feelings were always very complicated, making it impossible for Nightmare to read them most of the time, but today just takes the cake with their messiness. Still, they were better than some time ago, when he was still… very much out of it. He took a deep breath, not everything is perfect, but better than he ever expected, besides he really needed to focus on something else right now. Was he stressed? Yes, but his glitchy friend helped him to feel a bit more confident. It will be okay.

Meanwhile in the depths of white hell, most commonly known as Anti-void, Error was sobbing intensely with his face buried into his beanbag, which gave very little comfort right now. He almost couldn't believe the absurd situation he just went through.

It all started around 5 maybe 6 years ago, when Killer and Nightmare became a couple, around the same time when Error finally got used to accepting the fact that he was in love with the latter. It felt bad enough that these two started dating just when he worked up the courage to try to ask his crush out, but he hoped that he would maybe get over it. Long story short, he didn't. The opposite happened actually and he could barely take seeing Nightmare and Killer together. It was also the moment which marked his fewer and fewer visits in the mansion. It didn't matter if they kissed or just sat next to each other. The knowledge alone that they were together made Error boil with jealousy and sadness… However he didn't hate either of them, both skeletons were his friends, well Nightmare was technically his crush, but still. These two, as well as the rest of the gang were his first allies, they cared about him, they helped him through so much, he couldn't just throw a tetter tantrum, because he was jealous. He couldn't, it wouldn't be fair… 

And yet, the worse was yet to come at that time. While they were dating, Error could still count on the thought that these two would maybe break up or something, but no. Yesterday Nightmare called him, to ask him to… listen to his speech aimed at Killer. His proposing speech. And all that, because he wanted to know if it sounded okey. Error was understandably baffled for a minute, while his brain was working like crazy, trying to comprehend what just happened. Finally the glitch stumbled over his words, but accepted to visit the next day. He didn't really feel or even think much, until he finally came to the mansion. He was just… too stunned.  All that sadness and shock came back during the speech and he could barely contain himself. But now that he was alone again, he didn't even try to stop his tears. He just fell over and let them fall freely. 

“AARGHHHHHHHH!” He screamed in frustration. He didn't know what else to do or how to verbalize his feelings, so he just laid down and cried and screamed and growled at his stupid, dead love life.

If he ever had any chances with Nightmare, or with love, they were going to end the moment Killer says yes. And Error knew he would. Since day one he was the most loyal to his boss and had a crush on him almost from the moment he met him. He was the first to show Nightmare by various means, that he actually wanted to be with him. 

If he was a human Error's blood would be already spilling onto his hands, with the force he was clawing at his own palms, leaving faint marks.

Now he couldn't do anything. Part of him wanted to shut down Nightmare with him in the Anti-void, so he could be with him, or take Killer away from him. It was a small part though, he didn't actually want to hurt either of them, after all Killer was his good friend, even if he was jealous of him and Nightmare was his… yeah, they didn't deserve it. He knew better, perhaps unfortunately.

So what else was left for him than cry until he fell asleep from exhaustion? He knew the answer. Nothing.

The next time he actually did anything was when his phone made a sound, informing him of a new message. With tired eyes and barely any energy to reach for it, he grabbed his phone and checked the message. He knew what was going to be written there, but it still didn't stop the intense heartache he felt, however he didn't have any more tears left to cry.

"He said yes! I tried calling you, but you didn't answer. Fell free to visit whenever." It read.

"…You're everything I could've wanted and more" my ass."


If you remember in the first chapter I said that on tumblr these prompts are under the "fluff" category, but it doesn't mean that I can't make some delicious angst out of them.

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