7. "I'd do anything for you."

983 40 9

"Wait, you'd actually do it?" Error shifted from one leg to another nervously, awaiting the answer.

"Sure, I had time to ponder about it and discuss it with Ccino. I suppose it's not exactly something that best friends do, but I can feel that it is important to you. Furthermore, you know that I'd anything for you. You're important to me." Nightmare responded calmly like it wasn't a big deal. Understandably so, for him it wasn't.

"Ok... thank you then... When though?"

"Whenever you want, can be even now." Error's eyes widened hearing that. He was overjoyed if nervous, however did not expect such a short waiting time.

"Wait, now now?"

"Mhm. I know that this is stressing you out, but I have learned one thing during my existence. The sooner is truly the better. You won't be forced, but I think you should consider the offer." Nightmare advised, putting his hand on Error's shoulder. "Plus, you said it yourself, it would give you the courage to confess to that special person, right? Just in case "something" happened."

"Right." Error took a breath, trying to keep his emotions on low. Nightmare didn't need to recognize that the special person was non-existent. "I suppose you're correct. Makes sense, after all, you're the one who has not spent almost all of your life locked away, heh." The black-bones skeleton attempted to joke, partly just because and partly to calm his nerves. "Just, can we go somewhere private? I certainly don't want others to see it."

"Absolutely." Nightmare nodded in agreement. "Let's go to my room. The gang doesn't usually peek there unless it's really important. Even then, they always knock."

"Alright then."

The two skeletons took a short stroll to their destination. Once there Error couldn't help but look around, scanning for any indications that someone might have been hiding inside. Fortunately, he found none. The two sat on Nightmare's bed, though Error was positioned more on the edge and was visibly fidgety. A short moment of silence followed, both monsters looking for words to start.

"So," The king of the castle took on the load of beginning, his tentacles laying limply behind him, "before we start, are you truly sure that you want to do this? You know that it will mean that you will technically have your first kiss with me and not that special someone, whose name you refuse to tell me."

"I'm sure Night. I'd rather have it this way, believe me. I just need to get used to the feeling, so I won't appear as a complete beginner. I'm more surprised that you're willing to do this and that Ccino isn't striving to kill me for that."

"Oh, it took a lot of convincing, but I managed to assure him that it's all for a good cause... Plus maybe I promised to give him two times more affection than usually, so we're all good." Regardless of convincing, Nightmare didn't feel one hundred percent okay with his actions, but at least he had his boyfriend's official permission. Still, he would have disagreed, had he not known that there was absolutely no way that his best friend would be able to ask this favour from literally anybody else.

"You've become soft." Error chuckled, a longing tone in his voice. "Let's just do it then and get it over with." His emotions were conflicted. On one hand, he didn't want to wait any second longer, on the other, he would rather prolong the holdup as much as possible. "So, how exactly should we do it?"

"Look, I might have kissed a few times, but it doesn't mean that I'm an expert..." Nightmare's body turned towards the other, giving him his full attention.

"Still, definitely more of a specialist than I am." Error mirrored the movement, refusing to gaze into Nightmare's eye.

"Okay." Nightmare huffed, adjusting his arms around Error's back, making the other tense up at the unexpected touch. "Something like that... Now do the same." Error blinked a few times, not sure if he was hearing correctly. "I'm serious, it will be easier like that."

And so Error listened. His arms awkwardly wrapped around his best friend's frame, making the two move closer to each other. Error's soul was beating fast. He had to make significant effort to suppress his positive emotions so Nightmare wouldn't suspect him of anything. However with those good feelings came also the awful ones, specifically guilt. In the end, he was doing all of this just for the sake of his own selfishness. No grander goal this time, just simple greed. Fortunately, he was able to put those emotions on low too.

"It's just one kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. We'll do it and soon Nightmare will forget about it." Error affirmed himself in his head, clenching his teeth to appear as neutral as possible.

"Now we kiss. Couldn't be simpler." Seeing Error's surprised expression Nightmare couldn't help but chuckle. "Ok, maybe just a little something. I suppose we can do it like that: one of us will take the initiative, while the other one just waits. So do you want to lean in? It would give you more control over the situation."

Error had to inhale deeply a few times, not sure whether the current situation was entirely real. It certainly didn't feel so. Nightmare was so technical about all this, contrary to Error. His mind felt hazy, but he managed to make a decision.

"Actually, can you?" He didn't dare say the reason behind the decision out loud. He knew why, of course. It was because Error was scared that if he was to take the lead, he would keep pulling away due to nerves and never start the kiss. A weird mix of clashing emotions tugged at Error's mind as he waited anxiously.

"If you say so." The goopy guardian shrugged, seemingly not reading too much into it. "Are you ready?"

Error let go of the breath he was holding in his throat and nodded slowly. It was just one stupid kiss.

Nightmare hummed in acknowledgment and commenced, getting closer to the other's agape lips. He didn't waste much time making their lips meet. He held the kiss for a while, making sure that Error's wish was fulfilled. "I just want to know what it feels like, so I won't panic. Just in case," he said and Nightmare wanted to make sure that he did just that. He might have not loved Error, but he was his best friend. It was kind of a funny situation, really. Just around a year ago Nightmare would insist that love did not exist, or at least that it wasn't worth recognizing. Yet there he was, having a boyfriend and helping his best friend confess.

Eventually, the two skeletons parted and the taller one unwrapped his arms from around Error, who did not follow the example.

"So, there you go." Nightmare started, not really sure what else to say after such an activity.

Error's mind however was blank. For a while, not a single thought appeared as he tried to comprehend the whole situation that he found himself in.


Hearing his name, the skeleton in question removed his arms from around the other without words. A wide smile rose on his face with no warning, forcing him to immediately turn his skull in order to prevent Nightmare from seeing it.

"Yes, right, sorry. I guess I was just lost in thoughts." He put his hand on his ribcage like he was trying to stop his soul from jumping out. Guilt still tugged at him in some places, but he felt incredible overall. "Uh yeah, thank you for that. It was helpful. You can go to Ccino now and give him that affection." His words were quick and unorganized, his glitches buzzing widely in satisfaction.

Nightmare's expression softened seeing that Error was alright. "Good idea. I'm leaving now then, but you're free to stay in the castle if you feel like it." A goopy portal was opened next to the two.

"Right, sure, will do." The destroyer nodded quickly at Nightmare who was stepping through and gave him a single wave.

Once Nightmare was gone Error stopped his suppressing and let his emotions roam free. It all felt so surreal yet good, he was just angry that he didn't appreciate the kiss while it was actually happening. Still, he did it. He actually kissed Nightmare! His first and last kiss. He knew there would be no more. But maybe, just maybe the memory of it would be enough to keep Error alive until the day Reaper comes to take his life as nature dictated.

Errormare writing prompts (incomplete, finished)Where stories live. Discover now