4. "Kiss me."

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It all started with a singular, purple petal. Error didn't even try to remove it, it just fell from his mouth one day, in the most casual way. At that time he didn't put any thought into it and he certainly didn't think that it was connected to his realisation, that he fell in love with his only friend.

Then this new knowledge just made him feel... stupid, perhaps out of place. Since when did he love...? As far as his memories went, he didn't feel that emotion, ever. He has been happy, sad, angry, he hated and liked some people, but love? The only thing that would maybe classify there was his love for chocolate, altough it was more of a comfort food than anything else, really. He didn't want to think about all that.

So why was Nightmare suddenly on his mind so much? Too much for his liking. Perhaps unfortunately, as lacking as his knowledge about romace was, he knew exactly what he was feeling. Around that time of his realisation, the uncomfortable and weird sensation in his chest and throat appeared, but he just assumed that this was normal. That however didn't last long.

"Do you want some more cocoa?" Nightmare asked, standing up from the couch as the movie ended.

"Do you really need to ask?" Error replied with a dry cough, his eyes unwillingly moving from the screen.

Nightmare just grinned at him while he took both mugs to refill them. When he was busy in the kitchen, the other got up and stretched his sore bones a little.

Currently they were having a movie night. Both were sprawled on the couch and munching on some stolen snacks, that time it was Error's turn to provide them, and drinking more hot cocoa then it was considered heathy. All that time more or less entertaining movies were displayed on the laptop's screen. Error personally didn't care that much about them, he just wanted to relax and drown in the feeling of blissful easiness.

After a while Nightmare returned with their, what, fifth refill?

"Thanks N-" Before the glitchy skeleton could finish his sentence, a strong cough rang from his throat, which made the guardian rise his brow as he sat back down.

"Are you okay? You've been coughing an awful lot today. Maybe you want a tea instead?"

Error took a while to clear his throat and once he did, he just gestured ignorantly. "Nah, I'll be good, just feeling a little sore. You know I'd rather drink chocolate anyway."

He didn't expect Nightmare to let out a little laugh afterwards, but then again they say that late at night everything is funnier, so maybe that's why. His cheeks flushed a bit and he had to cover them with his scarf.

"Not today." He thought to himself. After all he did come there ro relax, not think about his stupid crush, that might have just been becoming bigger and bigger everyday. Him visiting the object of his feelings definitely didn't help though. Plus this weird urge to cough that came out of nowhere, was bothering him more and more. Despite of what he said, it was becoming pretty bad and he was trying hard to not cough every 3 minutes, just like now-

"So, any suggestions for what to watch next?" Nightmare looked at him, facing away from the laptop's screen.

Error quickly sipped some liquid and swallowed. "You know that I don't really know much about movies... Maybe a thriller?"

"Sounds good Erry." It sounded more like an insignificant tease than anything else, but suddenly all of Error's thoughts were only focused on this one nickname and didn't dissappear even when another film started playing.

A half of the movie has passed, but Error was barely able to focuse on it, due to the increased tightness in his chest. Finally he grew unnerved enough.

Errormare writing prompts (incomplete, finished)Where stories live. Discover now