6. "You're an idiot." "But you love me."

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At this point Nightmare knew pretty well that 'just after waking up' Error, wasn't exactly 'the rest of the day' Error. What did that mean? Basically that he was almost unbearably affectionate. His mind was so laggy in the morning that his words came out without a filter, or a single thought put into them. Of course if Nightmare tried to mention it later during the day, he would deny everything with unparalleled, flustered furiosity. However how much exactly Error himself actually remembered of that was still of mystery.

Nightmare's mind slowly woke and his uncovered by goop eye quickly fluttered. He gave himself a while to let out some yawns and stretch. Since Error very much preferred darkness, the room was almost completely bathed in it, courtesy of black drapes, which didn't leave a chance to see the outside. Still, there was one more item that was able to giveaway the time and more precisely at that. That was of course a clock standing on a nightstand, displaying 9 o'clock in the morning. In other words, a decent hour to get up, at least in Nightmare's opinion.

Unfortunately, there to his right side was someone who dared to disagree with that statement.

"Noo... don't." Nightmare barely managed to lift himself up more than an inch, so the sudden grab around his waist made him easily fall back down.

"Error." He wasn't even surprised by the motion. It seemed like it was one of those mornings.

"Night." The said skeleton simply answered, sleepiness obvious in his voice. His arms were still wrapped around Nightmare, as he half-laid on him without a care.

Another thing there was to know about Error after getting closer to him, was that he had some issues with sleeping. The Anti-void didn't require him to do so, since passage of time didn't really exist there. The same reason allowed him to survive without food, water, or any other necessities. However once off the blank space and for a longer span of time, and he was out like a light. It slowly got better when he started living with Nightmare, but instead right now he had two modes. One: he didn't sleep at all for days, two: after those days he fell asleep and no force in the world was able to drag him of the bed.

"If you're not going to get up then at least allow me."

"Nah." Trying to achieve his goal Error got on top of the other with sluggish movements. "Hostage." He mumbled to himself.

Nightmare just observed him with slightly irritated glance. It wasn't the first time this happened, which resulted in him knowing what would occur next. He could still try though...

"Error, get off of me." He started softly. He could try being nice after all. However his significant other just sighed dreamily and nuzzled his chest, not acknowledging the demand. Alright then. This time Nightmare pushed him off, though to be honest he didn't even had to try that much, since Error's muscles felt like cotton to their owner, refusing to be of use. He fell next to Nightmare, who quickly got up trying to use the emerged opening.

And just when he thought that he has won...

"Nightyy." A sleepy, prolonged whine. "I wanna sleep s'more."

"Nobody makes you get up." Nightmare turned his head and massaged the top of his nose.

"But-." A yawn. "I wanna cuddle. With you. You're warm, cozy. I love you."

At that moment Nightmare knew that he has already lost. Damn Error and his adorableness. He tried to keep his composure for a few more moments, but in the end failed when Error did grabby hands towards him.

"Dammit it." He almost jumped back to bed, just as willing to cuddle as the other.

With a sudden, although lasting mere seconds burst of energy Error moved as close to him as possible. He nuzzled his face into whatever was the closest, and that happened to be Nightmare's ribcage. Said skeleton huffed, but didn't further try to block Error's affection, letting him act as he pleased.

Eventually he turned onto his side and dragged Error into a warm embrace, who in turn seemed to beam in happiness at his eagerness. After a while he wrapped all he had around Nightmare, making himself huddle as close as possible.

Nightmare's any remaining composure shattered at that and he gave a tiny, dissaproving shake of his skull. It didn't have much of an effect thought, not only because Error didn't see it, but also because his face now adorned a small smile. He leaned down and planted a kiss on top of his boyfriend's skull.

"You're just going to fall back asleep, right?"

A nod.

"For several more hours?"

Another nod.

"You're an idiot."

"But you love me."

There was a moment of silence after that, which made Nightmare almost sure that the other was already off to slumber, but no.

"Can you scratch my back a little?" Error's words were as quiet as can be, but again, no filter in them.

"You're so entitled sometimes." But the requested scratches soon followed, making Error melt and lean more onto his right side.

A few minutes and the shorter monster departed to the dreamland, with Nightmare continuing his movementes for a few more before stopping. Additional one or two and he was out of bed. He would check on that sleeping cutie later.

"Try to deny that Error." He thought with a smirk on his face while he was closing the door behind him.

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