9. "I'm so proud of you."

879 47 36

The mild, glitchy noise was enough of an indicator to bring a sense of familiarity to Nightmare. He opened the oven and put the not-yet baked good inside slowly, but still with a certain bounce in his step. As soon as the doors were closed, he stepped out of the kitchen to the big living room situated just a wall away. The sight that greeted him was not surprising in the slightest.

There, in the middle of an astonishingly light and fuzzy rug, lied none other than the black-boned destroyer himself. As always, his bones were littered with various scars and bruises, however, his quick, short breaths were what ultimately caught Nightmare's attention.

"A hard day for our destruction, huh?" A small groan was enough of a clue to inform him of Error's current state. "I see."

He picked the other up, carried him upstairs to his comfortably smaller room, and put him down on the gray covers. He knew perfectly well what to do next, it was the same scheme every single time. He makes sure Error is not on the verge of death, carries him to a comfortable place, leaves him be, and then Error-.

"...Can you help?"

Asks him for aid...? That wasn't right, but Nightmare didn't say anything if only for now. It would be risky behaviour, though his tentacles gave little wags nonetheless.

"What do you need?"

"Something for healing." The injured skeleton sputtered quickly. "I don't know, something like those mummy wraps?"

With an amused smile Nightmare swiftly turned into a pile of goop, traveled to the bathroom to grab the bandages and one additional item. In a matter of seconds, he was back.

"Here are your "mummy wraps"."

For a moment silence dominated the atmosphere while the two skeletons eyed each other unblinkingly. It went on for at least a minute before Error coughed unconvincingly.

"Could you... you know?"

Nightmare did indeed know, even if this is not what he was expecting.

"Where does it hurt?"

"My legs, horribly so."

And so he grabbed the fabric and began pulling it up, but as soon as it went past half of Error's calf he looked at him questioningly. The other hesitated for a while but eventually gave him a nod of confirmation. Prompted, the fabric was pulled up to above the glitchy knees on both legs. The sight that greeted the negative skeleton was unsurprisingly not welcoming. Yet, more unusual than normal.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" Error questioned with an uneasy expression on his face. "It's just... uh, what do you call it again?"

"Bandaging, darling. Unfortunately, I have to disinfect your injuries first." The destroyer just blinked so he continued, "The substance will burn, but I give you my word it will ultimately do its job."

"Alright... I suppose I'm ready?"

"Let's hope."

Nightmare pulled out a bottle of antiseptic and after giving his better half an expectant look, began spraying it on his leg. The reaction was immediate.

"Ugh, fuck, son of a--!" Error quickly clenched his teeth, but his leg gave away his feelings. It turned and twisted as much as it could in its exhausted state.

"I'm sorry, love." The taller monster whispered, but continued the process. The years of treating his own wounds left him with an arsenal of experience. He still provided short breaks here and there, but overall attempted to treat the wounds as quickly as possible.

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