10. "Could you say that again?" "Were you not listening?"(I can't fit the title)

637 36 8

Soul bonding was a tradition as old as time, so aged in fact, it was often considered to be rather old-fashioned. Not many monsters, and even fewer people, nowadays were set on ever going through the process with their partner. The fast, modern lifestyle never exactly correlated with having that certainty of wanting to be with your significant other as long as you live, let alone being sure of their intentions. Not only that, it meant sharing every little emotion with your other half, and that was a commitment some were simply not ready for. And while the decline was understandable, there were two skeleton monsters who were more than happy to soul-bond with each other.

"So, where are we going?" Error asked as he skipped over some flowers, the second skeleton's hand in his own.

"You'll see." Nightmare replied softly, a small smirk adorning his face.

Error simply sighed good-naturedly, no sign of any real annoyance on his facial bones. He knew it was a special occasion and all, his soul was already quivering in his ribcage, but if he was to choose, they would do it in the castle. Or at least somewhere closer to it, it felt as if they were walking for longer than necessary! Still, he didn't even mention the possibility of opening a portal or speeding their step up. The next five minutes the glitching destroyer spent looking at the sky. It was dark, though the night has not greeted the universe yet, the smell of rain in the air made him feel refreshed.

"Here." Nightmare simply uttered, prompting Error's skull to tilt down.

In front of them was a little lake with various types of fish, the area covered by pines and small bushes. Something about it was familiar...

"Really? That's so cheesy." Error grinned, but could sense the sentimental feeling arousing inside of himself.

"Mhm, I know it's a bit overrated, but come on, you like this, don't you?" The dark guardian tipped his skull towards Error who simply returned his smile. It was a regular, unassuming area, but one that initiated their status as lovers. They both remembered the day perfectly well despite the time's passage.

At that point, Error had been trying to confess his feelings to Nightmare for what felt like an eternity. He had twelve failed attempts too. Twelve! And it seemed he would gain another. He invited Nightmare to accompany him on a walk, hoping that the distractions of outside, heavily contrasting with still, cobblestone walls, would be enough to make him spill at least partially comfortably. And so they walked and strolled, and wandered. Error tried, he really did, but each time he was about to admit how he felt, another, unrelated thought came over and found its way from the mind to his mouth. Through this process, they eventually reached the lake area at which point Nightmare decided they have wandered far enough and should find their way back. What he wasn't aware of were Error's racing thoughts, which proceeded to struggle between fight and flight. He knew, more than ever, that once they started their walk back, he would ultimately fail once more. And so he practically yelled his confession, regretting it as soon as the words left his mouth.

Now, years later, he didn't regret them one bit.

"You're just attempting to embarrass me..."

"Maybe, or maybe not, who knows?" Nightmare replied playfully, but there was no sign of negativity in any of the two. "Are you ready?" He kissed Error's forehead.

"I was born ready."

Both of the skeleton monsters summoned the culmination of their being, their eyelights never leaving one another's. A small shard and apple-like soul were soon hovering between them, close, yet not touching. Despite his initial eagerness, Error couldn't help but feel some apprehension. Soul bonding was no joke, and it was irreversible too. But he did trust Nightmare, and he knew the other way around was true as well.

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