8. "You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one."

965 58 35

The longer Nightmare and Error were together the less problematic the latter's haphephobia became. It still had its on and off days, of course, forcing Nightmare to be careful with any kind of touch. However, he has quickly discovered some existing circumstances that increased the possibility of Error not only accepting physical contact, but also straight-up craving it. One such moment was going on right now.

The door was slowly opened by a glitchy hand, the owner of said limb walking through the doorstep looking completely done with life.

"Need. To lay. Down." Error muttered to himself.

But first, he needed to find some pillows. Even though the Anti-void had caused him to be able to sleep on cold, hard ground before he was able to use portals to transport the beanbag there, it didn't mean he had to do it now. If anything, the unfortunate experience made him realize that pillows were probably the most useful items that humanity has ever invented. No, not probably, for sure! Screw technology! Can you sleep on phones and laptops? Hell no, clearly they were inferior.

He looked around the living room of the bungalow and grimaced when he realized all the pillows that were supposed to be there, have mysteriously vanished.

You see, the couple was currently on "vacation" near the seaside. Error was beyond confused when Nightmare first mentioned them taking a break, but he was easily convinced when the remark of "getting away from it all" was brought up by the other. Plus, he wouldn't admit it easily, but he was also curious. After all, he didn't get to experience much of the real world in his life.

"Vacation, really? But why?" Error questioned confused, sitting on Nightmare's lap.

His lover was currently busy with some papers, but he possessed just enough split attention to be able to keep a conversation going, even if with long pauses in between.

"So we can get away from all this multiversal bullshit for a while."

"Alright, but can't we do it here in the castle?"

"Technically." Nightmare agreed. "However, I don't believe either of us would be able to fully relax without a change of scenery."


This time Nightmare took longer to answer, but aside from his pending questions, Error didn't mind. His boyfriend's lap was the most comfortable throne imaginable... That sounded super cheesy... and stupid.

"Exactly, just believe me with this one, mon chéri."

"Alright." The destroyer whined in dissatisfaction. No matter how unhappy he was with it, there was no denying that his lover knew real life better than him.

Nightmare just chuckled at him with a hint of smugness.

"You're adorable."

Once he was finished, he picked Error up and proceeded to cuddle the hell out of him until the glitching skeleton couldn't handle any more.

"Night?" Error raised his voice, but no reply was provided.

He didn't see the other in the kitchen, the light in the bathroom was turned off, and he wasn't in the living room, so he checked the next location, his own room. At least in theory it was his, because most of the time the two lovebirds spent together inside Nightmare's room. Error mainly entered his room in two cases, either because he needed his alone time, or because he got overwhelmed with touch and had to prevent it for some time.

To his surprise, the beige-painted room was also empty of pillows.

"What the hell?"

His feet were really starting to hurt. He was on a mission now! At least, there was only one more location to check, Nightmare's room.

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