5. "You should probably go home." "But I'm already home."

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A rare A/N: this chapter contains drinking. It's bit more realistic picture of drunk people, who (contrary to some people's [who are often too young to even drink] works) don't necessarily go ape shit (especially after just one drink, believe me).

Having said that, I by no means am saying that alcohol is good. So if you really wanna try it, at least wait until you're old enough for it to be legal.


Destroyer of worlds and guardian of negativity drinking together? What could possibly go wrong?

Nothing actually. Sure they were both more or less drunk, but despite appearing a lot happier and carefree than usually, they weren't planning to destroy the city or anything else.

"Faster, faster, faster!" Error chanted sitting inside the trolley as Nightmare pushed it around the parking lot of some store. Nightmare not being a lightweight did accelerate, but not too much, to actually pose much of a threat. A threat to themselves mainly, since in this random AU was night, and the store was, naturally, closed at that time.

How and why did they appear in this AU? Well, Nightmare needed to go there to acquire a cake, but then Error in his unusual cheeriness asked the other for this raid, and he just couldn't refuse. It was his birthday after all. Actually, that's what started it all.

After a lot of prompting, Error has finally agreed to properly celebrate his birthday. At first he wanted to do it in the Antivoid, but his boyfriend persuaded him to go to his castle instead. Not only because it was just a better living space, but also cause it was part of Nightmare's ongoing project to make Error used to living with him there. It was still in progress, but the destroyer was getting there.

They talked for a bit, ate some snacks and exchanged kisses, when Nightmare presented a bottle of some liquor.

"I'm not that big of a fan of alcohol, but I have decided to steal it a few daya ago. We don't have to drink it, but I wanted to know what you think."

Error eyed the drink, unsure. He had drank a few times in his life, after all you have to unwind somehow when you're as broken as he used to be. Chocolate not always being enough. Not that big fan either, but it did its job. Still, he hesitated. He knew that he acted more cheery and not like himself after, and wasn't sure if he wanted Nightmare to see it. But hell, he was his boyfriend, so might as well.

And that's how it came to be. The guardian had to admit that it was funny to see Error drunk, but it also made him happy. In this state he was so much more joyful and laughed with such ease. He loved seeing him like that, like he should be all the time, in the best case scenario.

However they came there for a specific reason, so Nightmare eventually brang the shopping cart to a halt, making Error whimper.

"Sorry, but I think we should finally go and do what we came here for." Said Nightmare.

"Mhhh, okaay." The other whined again, but stepped out of the trolley. He did it a bit clumsily, and almost fell over once he touched the ground. Luckily goopy tentacles quickly shot up to catch him and help him stand up.

Error looked around to see that he was okay, and after understanding that Nightmare helped him, laughed a little.

"Ahaha, sorry." He dusted himself off.

"Yeah, yeah let's go." Nightmare grabbed his skeletal hand as they approached the nearby bakery and then teleported inside. Since it was closed, it was dark inside and they couldn't find the light switch. Fortunately windows provided just enough light to be able to see.

"Take whichever one you want."

Error smiled and went to look at the baked goods, already knowing what they were doing there. He eyed the cakes for a while, squinting his eyes.

"This one." He pointed at the pastry of his choice.

Nightmare came closer and used his tentacles to fetch the cake from behind the counter. A chocolate one, go figure.

"Alright, let's go back now." He looked at the other skeleton, his tone more questioning than demanding.

Error just looked back at him and shrugged. Very helpful indeed. Nightmare decided for him, but before he could go through the portal, Error unexpectedly latched himself onto him.

"Error, what...?"

Said monster didn't answer and just huddled closer, hiding his face in Nightmare's chest, who huffed. He took a shaky step through, to the castle. It wasn't easy to keep balance in his state, especially with Error clinging to him.

"Alright let go, we're already back." He said, putting the cake on the table.


Error has still been battling the remains of his haphephobia, but it seemed that in his drunken state they didn't exist. It was... nice, but Nightmare needed him to let go.

"Seriously, get off. I need to go to the bathroom for a second." He insisted, trying to push Error off gently.

When he didn't budge, Nightmare utilized his tentacles, which grabbed the destroyer and sat him on the couch. Seeing that he wasn't where he wanted to be, Error eyed Nightmare and then proceeded to faceplant into the pillow.

It was a funny sight, so Nightmare chuckled at his "despair" and headed to the bathroom. Once he returned he expected Error to tackle him on sight, but no, he was still laying down.

"You can get up now."

"No." Error shook his head. "I'm lonely." He whined in an exaggerated fashion.

"A bloody drama queen, that's what you are." Nightmare remarked. Seeing Error's still unmoving state, he decided to use the ultimate weapon.

"Ok then, I guess that I will eat this cake all on my own. Such a shame, especially since it is your birthday." With that he started to cut the pastry into even pieces.

Hearing these words Error quickly sat up. "Oh hell no. Gimmie."

Satisfied, Nightmare handed him a plate with a slice and then took one for himself.

They ate mostly in silence, comfortably sprawled out next to each other, until Error took another slice. And then another. And the next one.

Nightmare didn't even comment on that, just laughed once, he himself eating only two slices.

Once they both were done and the cake was put into the fridge to be preserved, they rested next to each other. That is, until Error shuffled closer and then threw himself onto Nightmare.

"Ah, there is that tackle." Nightmare thought amused and then said halfheartedly, "I'm starting to think that you're too drunk, you should probably go home." His tone indicacted a joke, but the response he got was in a completely different one.

"But I'm already home." Error's voice was tired, but soft. Nightmare however went quiet, stunned. He wasn't expecting such a cheesy, but gratifying line. "Thanks Night, I guess that it really was a not-so-bad idea to celebrate my birthday." He nuzzled him gently.

Nightmare didn't verbally respond to that, tightening his arms around Error and letting his expression change into a relaxed one.

He couldn't help, but wonder if Error meant this second to last sentence, but then again they say that the words you say after alcohol, are the unfiltered, truest ones.

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