2. "It's you, it always has been."

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Error moved nervously on the couch, listening to the unmistakable sound of Nightmare's footsteps. When he came in sight and spotted Error his eye widened, but he quickly covered it with a small frown and retreated to the kitchen, while the gltichy skeleton just stayed in his place, not sure what to think.

Nightmare has been acting odd for a while now, but then again it might have been going on for longer than that, maybe hr just started to notice that now. It appeared as if he was...stressed? Or perhaps more like he had his head in the clouds all the time. That was one thing, but Error also noticed different, unusual behaviors from him, that he was sure Nightmare'd rather no one perceived.

He was daydreaming quite often with a small, genuine smile on his face. He sometimes even blushed. Nightmare - the guardian of negativity, blushed. That was definitely new. He also tended to avoid other inhabitants of the castle, which - Error guessed - was to hide his changed demeanor.

When it didn't stop after a week, Error started wondering. What could possibly make Nightmare act like that? He considered a few possibilities, but all of them seemed too far-fetched to be true, until it hit him. Nightmare could have been in love. His cheeks burned upon this prospect and his mind strated working like crazy. Could it be it? If anything that sounded far-fetched, but at the same time this is how people act when they have a crush, don't they? Well, Error couldn't actually have an answer to that, but he knew one thing. This is how he was acting at the beginning of the discovery that he was crushing...That just could be it...

When this thought was accepted in Error's mind it stopped working so fast and his expression changed to a grim one. He didn't like this possibility. Why? Because the one he fell in love with so long time ago, was Nightmare himself. He could clearly remember the terror of this realization.

Sure, he didn't think that Nightmare was capable of falling in love, but then again he had thought the same about himself and yet there he was, overwhelmed by the unwanted emotion. Now that he saw the signs one could say the he should feel hope, but he didn't do that. Because what were the chances of Nightmare falling for him? Negligible if not non-existent.

Error saw himself as short and ugly, not to add that his personality was probably annoying. Nightmare on the other hand was the one who gave him, as well as Killer, Dust, Horror and Cross a place to live, be safe and rest. He provided them a home, where they could recover from any trauma they had from their own universes. And what did Error have to offer? His stupid, little self. What was there to love?

A single tear slid down his cheek as he prevented more from doing the same. However he felt them gathering in his eye sockets and deciding that he didn't want risking crying where others, especially Nightmare, could see him, he quickly teleported to the bathroom and splashed his face with water. He gasped when the coldness hit his skull, but it also helped to cool him off. He wiped his face and took a breath to calm down. Leaning on a sink he eyed his face which was a bit pale.

"Stupid, crying to yourself as if you didn't know that already. Unlovable idiot."

A few more tears appeared and he repeated the whole ritual of calming himself down. Not wanting to be seen in this state, he headed to his room and fell onto the bed. With his mind a bit clearer, he began to wonder.

So Nightmare was in love, probably, but with who? The only ones they really saw outside of their home were Ink and Dream, and he hates them both with burning passion. So then it had to be someone inside the castle, but who?

Dust and Horror were already dating, so not them, right? But then again it's not like someone being in relationship with someone else exactly stopped others from liking them... Error recalled a few moments when he saw these two together, doing couple stuff. A small, bitter smile found its way onto his face. It's not that he wasn't happy for his friends, but he couldn't help, but to wish that it was him and Nightmare acting like that.

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