|| thirty-four ||

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"Is everything ready?"
You asked Isaac that seemed way to relaxed considering the fact you were about to hold a party in half an hour that cost five figures.

"I hope so....but everything is set up, the electronics work and the buffet was delivered a few minutes ago...I think we are ready to roll!"

"OK! Let's get just hope everything goes well and that mother doesn't find anything to nag about."
You clapped your hands together and took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the nervousness taking over your whole mind.

"Relax, It's gonna be a good party!"
Isaac said, giving you a pat on the back.
"Mother is alway gonna find things to nag about, so don't worry about that, it's just in her nature to nitpick and find something she doesn't like."

"I guess so...no one will ever be able to do it as good as her...at least that's how she thinks."
You huffed.
"Let's just make the best out of this..."

"Heyy we prepared for this for months, it might not live up to mother's incredibly high standards, because nothing ever will, but one thing is for sure, it will be a really good party, so let's have fun and enjoy the night."

"You're right, let's make the best out of all of this and enjoy it the best we can!"

"That's the spirit sis!"
Isaac cheered and gave you another pat on the back before leaving to discuss some last details with the staff before the guests would start to arrive.

Soon a lot of well known athletes, company owners and clients of your comapny walked along the red carpet leading into the companys big entrance hall where the party would be held.

"(Y/N), sweetie! You look stunning!"

You said with a forced smile, hugging her.

"I'm quite surprised by how well this party is organized, your bother and you really put a lot of effort into this."
She said, looking around, seeming quite satisfied.

"Thank you mother, well, Issac and I wanted this to be perfect, and I think we succeeded."
You replied. A part of you enjoyed how surprised she was by how good of a job your brother and you did on the party.

"We will see how the party progresses...it hasn't even really started yet, so we shouldn't judge too soon."

"You're right mother...the auction is going to start soon, you should use the chance you have now to find a good seat in the front."
You replied and without another word your mother left towards the room where the auction would be held.

"Hello everyone! It's so nice to see you!" You greeted the volleyball team, hugging everyone of them, well almost, of course Omi refused to be touched but surprisingly was ok with shaking your hand

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"Hello everyone! It's so nice to see you!"
You greeted the volleyball team, hugging everyone of them, well almost, of course Omi refused to be touched but surprisingly was ok with shaking your hand.

"You look absolutely stunning." 
Atsumu whispered into your ear as your arms pulled him into a quick hug.

"So do you, you look good in suits."
You replied and then pulled away.
The two of you took in each others beauty for a moment before you continued greeting the others.

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