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"Why was I now doing things that I never ever had intentions of doing?"- Hisham Hosseini.



Imagination followed by good old reality!

The latter was exactly what was faced by both Isma and Hisham.

They both ended up being...


Hisham being more late simply by choice and that too by just a mere few more minutes only and only because his heart had simply made him do so.

He had seen her!

Seen her hurriedly getting out of a taxi or to be much more specific, he had seen her literally fly out or should he say zap out of it almost as if her entire life solely depended on it.

Seeing her scramble her way towards the building's front entrance at a pace faster than that of lightning caused his entire body to immediately lurch forward and he too sprinted a few steps only to come to a very much abrupt halt.

Why the halt?

He himself did not know!

As much as he obviously wanted to make it before her, deep down for some whatsoever reason, his heart kept whispering for him to stop.

To stop and watch!

Watch very keenly!

He chose to do exactly that...

No matter how hard his heart and mind continuously kept conflicting over it.

Him being what one would say to be only a few considerable metres away her, enabled him to very much quickly and very much easily take in each and every single detail of hers...

The hot crimson-red puffed up cheeks.

Which he guessed were of course due to her almost Olympic style of running, sprinting or whatever.

The beautiful light blue tasselled ends of her dark blue hijab...

They matched perfectly with his shirt.


He quickly looked away while loudly clearing his throat, his heart ferociously fluttering against his chest as the most weirdest of all feelings settled deep down within the pits of his stomach.


Were those freaking butterflies?




He hadn't had breakfast, remember?

He was hungry!

That was it!

Full stop!

Looking back up, he caught her zooming past old James- their doorman for as long as time could tell and soon as he caught the very last of her glimpse, his feet immediately shot forward only for him to once again come to a sudden stop when he noticed her rush back and from what he could best decipher from where he was, was that she came running all the way back just to wish old James a very much breathless though very much needed 'Good Morning'.

A simple 'good morning' that seemed to light up the old man's face way brighter than the brightness of a hundred multi-coloured fireworks combined.


It was nothing but it was something!


It made him smile.

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