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"Yusuf made me feel like a beautiful butterfly but without wings!"- Isma Taib.



Extreme disgust.

That is the only thing that coursed through every inch of Isma's body the very second she felt Yusuf grab her hand, use it to change the car's gear and then gently begin to caress it.

She had with much reluctance agreed to go with him to one of his late night business parties and to say that she had felt greatly repulsed throughout the entire night when he had every single time, wrapped his arms around her waist or tried to kiss her cheek, would be a complete understatement.

What had however sickened her to the very core was that deep down in her heart, she knew that the last thing he had been trying to do was display his affection for her but rather, all he had been trying to do was prove to the people around them and most specifically to her, the fact that...

She was his!

That he literally owned her in a sort of way and that honestly, is what scared her the most.

Was this it for her?

Was she truly meant to be his in the end?

What about her own choices but then again was she even allowed to make choices?

Her thoughts were cut short when she felt his lips softly touch the back of her hand which she instantly pulled away as blood furiously began to flow to her cheeks only and only because she was overcome with nothing but...

Fear and immense shame!

She closed her eyes when she heard him laugh blatantly and immediately cringed when he said...

"Wow and to think we are not even married yet! What will you do when I..."

"Can you not!"

"Not what? Do this?" he asked as he once again grabbed her hand and placed a long hard kiss on her palm.

"Ye...Yes..." she only but stuttered as hot tears stained her beautiful eyes.

She quickly looked away not wanting him to see her in a vulnerable state only for his next words to literally suck the life out of her.

"Stop acting like we haven't kissed before!"

"Wha...what do you mean? I have never!"

"Well, technically not on the lips and you have also never initiated it but I have still kissed you many times before, Isma. So, please stop pretending as if this was your first time!"

" not...I have not...," she began but stopped as a tear trickled down her face which she quickly wiped away and turned her face to stare out the window.

There really was no point of arguing.

Why did she even want to disagree when his words held nothing but truth?

She was guilty and nothing and no one could ever change that!

She could only but blame herself.

Blame herself for all those times she had remained silent when all she had really felt like doing was scream her lungs out.

Blame herself for expecting him to be the one to see how awfully uncomfortable he made her feel.

Blame herself for not being able to say a simple no!

Blame herself for just so many things which left her feeling nothing but lifeless.

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