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"Her memories always burnt my healing heart to nothing but ASHES!"- Hisham Hosseini.


Resentful thoughts.

These were the only types of thoughts that clouded Hisham's mind as he stood on his bedroom's balcony.

Thoughts only brought to him by a certain someone.

A certain someone who went by the name...

Zulekha Akram...

His Ex Wife!



Baseless arguments!

One of the strongest foundations of his so called marriage!

Feeling mentally drained, he let out a long loud sigh, rubbing his temples in circular motions as he listened to his dear wife do what she was very much best at...

Shouting her head off!


"I never said you were, Zulekha. You are my wife. My equal. I would never..."

"Then what exactly were you trying to insinuate just a few seconds ago?"

Feeling greatly ashamed, he stared at the burnt eggs in front of him; eggs that he had desperately tried to make and his poor heart couldn't help but sink to its greatest depths when he said...

"All I was trying to tell you Zulekha is that I am genuinely, really really bad in the kitchen. I really am!"

"So is that my fault now? Is it my fault that my husband doesn't know how to make something as simple as a sunny side up?"

Hurt settled deep within his eyes and he quickly looked away feeling greatly insulted afterwich he softly whispered...

"All I asked was for you to spare some of your very precious time to help me make a decent omelette. I am your husband Zulekha, is that too much to ask for?"

"Plus, you barely do anything all day anyway. In fact, what do you even do all day?"

Guilt immediately consumed him and his heart strongly clenched the very second he saw tears stain her eyes and he quickly rushed to embrace her while apologising for his insensitivity only for her to angrily push him away.

"What do you mean by what do I do all day? Just because you don't see me breaking my poor back doing household chores doesn't mean I don't do anything, Hisham..."

"I know. I am sorry, I really didn't mean it that way..."

"Then how exactly did you mean it, Hisham? How exactly did you mean it?"

A stream of hot tears began trickling down her beautiful face causing his heart to clench more and more due to guilt and in the very end, despite her millions of tiny protests, he strongly and forcefully pulled her into his arms, coaxed her down by whispering sweet nothings in her ear, only for all the blood to drain from his face a few seconds later when she wriggled out of his embrace and said...

"You disgust me, Hisham!"

"I never took you to be a man who believes that he is more superior to women. A man who shamelessly thinks that he has a right over every second of his wife's time! A man who actually goes to the extent of questioning her about it."

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