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"I had run from my past for way too long. It was now high time for me to come to terms with it no matter how much it broke me!"- Hisham Hosseini.


Imagine sugar.

Imagine spice.

Then add a whole lot of extravagant drama.

That is how one could at least try to describe Imran Fareed- Hisham's high school best friend.

He was an almost exact replica of Hisham behaviour wise at least and Khaleel tried his very best to control the urge of continuously banging his head against the wall as he painfully listened to Imran continuously go on and on about the most delirious of things.

"If I am not the one turning heads when we walk out through this door then I don't know who is," said Imran as he checked himself out in the washroom's mirror for something like the hundredth time.

"That is IF we do LEAVE this washroom sometime TODAY hopefully but from the looks of it I highly doubt it," Khaleel replied impatiently.

"What? You want to stay? Like I mean we could but Khaleel come on, it's a washroom..."

"Can we just LEAVE already?"

"Okay! Let me just fix my tie. Do you mind helping me..."?

"I DO!"

Imran smiled to himself completely amused with how easy it was to get Khaleel cutely riled up. It had not even been twenty-four hours since they had met but he had already grown to have much respect and immense liking towards him.

Unfortunately for Khaleel, he had also been able to easily figure out that Khaleel was a man who wore his heart on his sleeve and therefore there was absolutely nothing that could stop him from irritating him just a little bit more or rather to be a bit more precise, every few seconds.

"If I didn't know for a fact that you LIKE me, I would almost have assumed that you are being a peanut butter and JELLY sandwich?"

"I not jealous of you!" huffed Khaleel as he angrily shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Are you sure?"

"One thousand percent!"

"Okay, whatever helps you sleep at night," said Imran and laughed when Khaleel immediately replied with...

"It only helps when you shut up!"

Khaleel raked his hand through his hair a couple of times extremely frustrated with how uncertain things were.

At least for him!

All he had gotten to know from Yasir was that Hisham was in The United States, working as a waiter in a restaurant in whose washroom they were currently in or rather to be a bit more accurate, in whose washroom Imran was busily checking himself out for the past half an hour.

The only other thing that Yasir had thought of generously adding was that he was he was to fly out to meet Imran who would tell him the rest of the solid plan when he got there.

Imran Fareed.

Hisham's overly unbearable act alike.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Khaleel not being able to control himself anymore and instantly rolled his eyes when Imran replied with...

"What plan?"

"Hisham's plan!"

"What? Hisham also has a plan? Why didn't anyone bother telling me?"

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