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"Life is much more beautiful when you surround yourself with the right people!"- Amalk807



Just a tiny bit of respect.

That was all Isma had really ever wanted from her fiancé-Yusuf but that was the last thing he had been able to give her.

She tightly shut her eyes, inwardly cringing to the very max, the second she felt him snake his arms around her waist from behind.

She had expertly avoided him like a dangerous plague for the past four months but the last thing she had expected, was for him to show up at their house unannounced in the middle of the day and that too on a weekday but what she didn't expect at all, was for him to have the nerve to actually come up to her room.

He tightened his arms around her pulling her closer to his body and the only thing she was able to quickly blurt out was...

"No, Yusuf! This makes me very uncomfortable."

"Relax it's just me."


He shook his head at her answer, letting out an insensitive laugh afterwich he bent down and whispered in her ear...

"I see you are still very much mad about what happened last time?"

"Is there any reason for me not to be?"

"Is that why you have been avoiding all my texts and calls?"

"Yes! Plus, I have been busy!"

"Busy doing what? Looking for a job you can never get? You clearly don't have what it takes, Isma."

She noticed how his voice was heavily filled with scorn and her heart sank knowing that he did not at all believe in her.

She tried her best to wriggle out of his forceful embrace but that only made him to hold on to her even tighter and her heart dropped when he quickly turned her around and caged her against the nearby wall.

He then began to lower his face towards hers but stopped when he saw her disgustedly scrunch her face and ask...

"Did you start smoking again, Yusuf?"

"Start? It's been four months my love and it's all your fault!"

"My fault?" she asked as tears stained her eyes.

"Yes. I was stressed okay? Stressed because of you! Stressed because you have been shunning me away and no, I was not going to ask your father for your whereabouts. I am too man enough for that. I know how to handle my woman. My woman who has been avoiding me for the past four months!"

"I am not your woman!"

"You wouldn't be caged in my arms right now if you weren't!"

"I don't want a future spouse who smokes, Yusuf."

A lone tear slowly trickled down her face and she cowered when she heard him laugh and then ask...

"Your father smokes as well, Isma. Does he cease being your father just because you don't like smokers?"

"You will just have to get used to this," he added as he gently began to caress her cheek.

His eyes then slowly roamed her entire face, shamelessly admiring her and finally came to settle on her hijab pin.



"Why are you wearing a hijab inside your room?"

HER BROKEN HUSBANDWhere stories live. Discover now