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Three words!

Just three words yet they simply were more than enough to make Isma's heart to immediately sink to low depths but what however made her heart to sink even further and further, probably to its lowest ever depths, was upon seeing her mother's...

Extremely panic-stricken state!

Very much gently and very much lovingly getting hold of Isma's hands using her own that had by now begun to greatly tremble, Mariam brought both of Isma's hands to her lips, kissed them hard and with a voice that very much quivered and with eyes that held nothing but immense fear...

She pleaded!

Her pleads being nothing but close to feather like whispers!

"Isma! Isma please, I beg of you! Please, I beg of you to promise me..."

From the thousands of pieces that already were, Isma heart broke further more to a million more pieces and with a fresh set of tears staining her eyes, she very much sadly asked...

"Promise you what, Mom? Simply promise you what?"

"Promise me that you will not do anything even remotely to anger Yusuf!"

Being taken quite aback, a lonesome tear slowly trickled down Isma's face and even before she could get herself to question, she quickly but got her answer...

"Yusuf's anger in return means your father's anger!"

Trying to slowly put two and two together, another tear trickled down Isma's cheek which she quickly wiped away only for more and more tears to begin streaming down her face as soon as her mother said...

"That would mean a never ending night for me!"

Just the mere thought of it was more than enough to make Isma's blood to literally run ice cold as her mouth ran as dry as the Sahara and she quickly tried to say something but couldn't; and in the end, all she ended up doing was simply nodding her head in agreement to what her mother said...

"Only you can help me, Isma! Only you can help me!"

Vigorously nodding her head more and more just to show her approval and with eyes that fully glistened, Isma reassuringly cupped her mother's face, looked her deep in the eyes, her heart breaking more and more upon seeing the amount of fear they held and then said...

"Il help you, Mom! Il help you!"

"Promise me, Isma! Promise me!"

"I promise you, Mom! I promise!"

Placing kisses over every inch of Isma's face in gratitude, Mariam quickly pulled her into a warm embrace only for them to even more quickly pull apart the very second Hafsa loudly shouted regarding Yusuf's arrival once again.

Quickly standing up, Mariam took in the most longest, most deepest breath ever, wiped dry her tears and then said...

"Come soon please! Do not make him wait; at all!"

Due to the extreme excruciating pain she was experiencing, she then way too slowly made her way out of the kitchen or more like wobbled out but just before leaving, she once again did not at all fail to say...

"Please don't forget, Isma! Please don't forget your promise!"

"I won't, forget, Mom! I promise you that I won't forget..."

"A promise is a promise!"

Sitting on the cold hard tiled kitchen floor, Isma gave herself a good whole minute or two to let everything fully sink in, wiped away the very last of her tears, feeling as broken as ever, afterwich she slowly stood up, walked right up to the fridge and pulled out quite a large bottle of ice-cold water.

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